Identify the target segment to boost retention and revenue.
Discover the Personas contributing the most to your game's retention, IAPs, and ad views.
Find the Personas with the highest retention and encourage them to make more IAPs and watch more ads to boost revenues.
Find the Personas with the highest IAPs and encourage them to make more IAPs to boost revenues.
Find the Personas with the highest ad views and encourage them to watch more ads while maintaining their retention.
Player Personas with Highest Retention
Increase revenue by encouraging the Player Personas with the highest retention to make more in-app purchases and watch more ads.
In the demo above, the Player Persona with the highest retention is Smart and Busy players.
Improve revenues by making Smart and Busy players make in-app purchases.
Smart and Busy players level up very fast in a limited time by spending resources efficiently.
Smart and Busy players are likely to purchase an in-game product if it provides them with the continued supply of currencies for fast growth.
Use CRM for Smart and Busy players to suggest the type of content and in-game products that Smart and Busy players will like.
Player Personas with Highest IAP Revenues
Boost IAP revenues by identifying and targeting the Player Personas that are most likely to make purchases.
In the demo above, the Player Persona with the highest IAP revenue is PvP from the Beginning.
Target players of PvP from the Beginning and induce them to make more purchases to increase revenues.
Players of PvP from the Beginning are obsessed with playing better than others but keep losing in PvP due to their lack of experience, level, items, etc.
You can improve this Persona's revenue by suggesting items and packs to get more wins in PvP.
Use CRM for PvP from the Beginning to make purchase recommendations to players of PvP from the Beginning suggesting in-game content and products to increase their chances of winning.
Player Personas with Highest Ad Views
Improve ad revenues by detecting the Player Personas most prone to watch ads.