Go To Console


Call the methods below if your game is a Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game (MMORPG) where a player assumes a role of a character and explores an open world, such as Lineage 2M.

Enter & Exit Map

  • Call PlayStage method when a character enters or exits a certain map.
PlayStage (enter map)
player_uuid* { player_uuid }
character_uuid* { character_uuid }
stage_type* stageType.PvE
stage_slug* { Denev Village }
stage_category { safe zone }
stage_level null
stage_score null
stage_status stageStatus.Start
stage_playtime null

PlayStage (exit map)
player_uuid* { player_uuid }
character_uuid* { character_uuid }
stage_type* stageType.PvE
stage_slug* { Denev Village }
stage_category { safe zone }
stage_level null
stage_score null
stage_status stageStatus.Win
stage_playtime 30

  • Call UseCurrency and UseConsumable methods when currency or item is paid to enter or exit a certain map.
When a character enters a new map, PlayStage is called twice: one concerning the exit of previous map and one concerning the entrance of new map. Input stageStatus.Win at stage_status for the PlayStage method concerning exit of the previous map.
player_uuid* { player_uuid }
character_uuid* { character_uuid }
currency_slug* { deal }
currency_quantity* 10000
currency_total_quantity 999999
where_to_entity entity.PlayStage
where_to_category_slug { public zone }
where_to_slug { golden field }

PlayStage (exit previous map)
player_uuid* { player_uuid }
character_uuid* { character_uuid }
stage_type* stageType.PvE
stage_slug* { Denev Village }
stage_category_slug { safe zone }
stage_level null
stage_score null
stage_status stageStatus.Win
stage_playtime 30

PlayStage (enter new map)
player_uuid* { player_uuid }
character_uuid* { character_uuid }
stage_type* stageType.PvP
stage_slug* { golden field }
stage_category_slug { public zone }
stage_level { 23 }
stage_score null
stage_status stageStatus.Start
stage_playtime null

Get Item

Call Get{ Object type } when an Object such as Currency or Equipment is earned during play.

  • Call GetCurrency method if Currency is earned during play.
player_uuid* { player_uuid }
character_uuid* {character_uuid }
currency_slug* { deal }
currency_quantity* 100
currency_total_quantity 99999
from_entity entity.PlayStage
from_category_slug { public zone }
from_slug { golden field }

  • Call GetMaterial method if Material item is earned during play.
player_uuid* { player_uuid }
character_uuid* { character_uuid }
item_slug* { steel }
item_quantity* 1
from_entity entity.PlayStage
from_category_slug { public zone }
from_slug { golden field }

  • Call GetEquipment method if Equipment item is earned during play.
player_uuid* { player_uuid }
character_uuid* { character_uuid }
item_slug* { Lizards Bow }
item_quantity* 1
from_entity entity.PlayStage
from_category_slug { public zone }
from_slug { golden field }

  • Call GetConsumable if Consumable item such as potion is earned during play.
player_uuid* { player_uuid }
character_uuid* { character_uuid }
item_slug* { ancient scroll of power }
item_quantity* 1
from_entity entity.PlayStage
from_category_slug { public zone }
from_slug { golden field }

Change Character Stat

  • Call ChangeStat method if a user changes his character's statistics during play.

player_uuid* { player_uuid }
character_uuid* { character_uuid }
stat_slug* { strength }
stat_category_slug { basic stat }
stat_to* 19
stat_from 18

Character Level Up

  • Call LevelUpCharacter method if a character levels up during play.

player_uuid* { player_uuid }
character_uuid* { character_uuid }
level_to* 14
level_from* 13

Character KIA

  • Call PlayStage method if a character is killed in action(KIA) during play.
Input stageStatus.Lose at stage_status for PlayStage method.
player_uuid* { player_uuid }
character_uuid* { character_uuid }
stage_type* stageType.PvP
stage_slug* { golden field }
stage_category_slug { public zone }
stage_level { 23 }
stage_score null
stage_status stageStatus.Lose
stage_playtime null

  • At the same time, call Dismiss{ Object type } method if there exists a penalty (ex. lose item) for KIA.
The example below calls DismissEquipment in case when Equipment is lost as a penalty for being KIA.
player_uuid* { player_uuid }
character_uuid* { character_uuid }
item_slug* { +6 long sword }
item_quantity* 1

Equip Equipment, Skill, Pet

Equip Pet

  • Call the methods below when a player equips and uses 'pet' to support his battle.
Call EquipPet method at the moment a character is equipped with pet.
Call PlayStageWith at the moment a character enters a map with a pet equipped.

player_uuid* { player_uuid }
character_uuid* { character_uuid }
item_slug* { tiny unicorn }
equip_status* equipStatus.Equip
item_level 7
character_level 14

player_uuid* { player_uuid }
character_uuid* { character_uuid }
item_slug* { tiny unicorn }
stage_slug* { golden field }
stage_type stageType.PvP
stage_category_slug { public zone }

Equip Equipment

Call the methods below when a player equips Equipment to his character and conducts battle with the Equipment.

  • Call EquipEquipment and PlayStageWithEquipment methods concerning equipment status.
Call EquipEquipment method at the moment an Equipment is equipped.
Call PlayStageWithEquipment at the moment a character enters map with an equipped Equipment.

EquipEquipment (equip Equipment in an empty slot)
player_uuid* { player_uuid } { player_uuid }
character_uuid* { character_uuid } { character_uuid }
item_slug* { +6 long sword } { +1 thin armor }
equip_status* equipStatus.Equip equipStatus.Equip
item_level 6 1
character_level 14 14

player_uuid* { player_uuid } { player_uuid }
character_uuid* { character_uuid } { character_uuid }
item_slug* { +6 long sword } { +1 thin armor }
stage_slug* { golden field } { golden field }
stage_type stageType.PvP stageType.PvP
stage_category_slug { public zone } { public zone }

  • Call EquipEquipment and PlayStageWithEquipment methods when a character switches Equipment.
Call EquipEquipment at the moment an old Equipment is dismissed and the moment a new Equipment is equipped.
Call PlayStageWithEquipment when a character enters map with a new equipment equipped.
EquipEquipment (dismiss old Equipment)
player_uuid* { player_uuid }
character_uuid* { character_uuid }
item_slug* { +6 long sword }
equip_status* equipStatus.Unequip
item_level 6
character_level 14

EquipEquipment (equip new Equipment)
player_uuid* { player_uuid }
character_uuid* { character_uuid }
item_slug* { +10 long sword }
equip_status* equipStatus.Equip
item_level 10
character_level 14

PlayStageWithEquipment (play with new Equipment)
player_uuid* { player_uuid }
character_uuid* { character_uuid }
item_slug* { +10 long sword }
stage_slug* { golden field }
stage_type stageType.PvP
stage_category_slug { public zone }

Equip Skill

  • Call EquipSkill and PlayStageWithSkill methods when a character is equipped with a certain skill to play.
player_uuid* { player_uuid }
character_uuid* { character_uuid }
skill_slug* { strength }
skill_category_slug { passive }
equip_status* { Equip }
skill_level 3
character_level 14

player_uuid* { player_uuid }
character_uuid* { character_uuid }
skill_slug* { strength }
skill_category_slug { passive}
stage_slug* { golden field }
stage_type stageType.PvP
stage_category_slug { public zone }