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Game Start

Call the following methods when a new user registers or when an existing user logs in.

Sign Up

When a new user creates an account, call the following methods.

  • Call Join method only once at the moment when a new user creates an account.
To accurately collect retention rate, we recommend calling TPUploadData method immediately after calling Join method.
player_uuid* { player_uuid }

  • Call LoginApp method when a new user logs in immediately after creating an account.
player_uuid* { player_uuid }
app_version { game version }

Log In

Call the following methods when a user logs into the game.

  • Call LoginApp method when a user logs into the game.
player_uuid* { player_uuid }
app_version { game version }

  • Call GetCharacter method when a user creates a character after logging in.
Even if your game does not have a step for creating character or does not provide multiple characters, you must call GetCharacter and LoginAsCharacter methods.
If you do not have a specific character creating logic, input TentuPlayKeyword._DUMMY_CHARACTER_ID_ at character_uuid.
player_uuid* { player_uuid }
character_uuid* { character_uuid }
characterarchetype_slug* { term for character archetype }

  • Call LoginAsCharacter method when a user logs into the specific character he created.
player_uuid* { player_uuid }
character_uuid* { character_uuid }