Method Structures
TENTUPLAY methods are sentences that represent the player's behavior in games.
For example,
- While player XYZ is taking the role of character ABC,
- the player used 50 golds to enhance "Sword of Magic,"
- and 1270 golds were left.
can be written as:
UseCurrency(player_uuid: "XYZ", //player XYZ
character_uuid: "ABC", // took the role of character ABC
currency_slug: "GOLD", // used GOLD
currency_quantity: 50, // used 50
currency_total_quantity: 1270, // 1270 were left
where_to_entity: entity.LevelUpEquipment // used GOLD to level up the equipment
where_to_category_slug: "Sword", // the category of equipment was sword
where_to_slug : "Sword of Magic"); // the equipment was "Sword of Magic"
Where, How, Why
When expressing a player's behaviors in sentences, the important thing is to describe the player's "where," "how," and "why" behaves as much as possible with event methods.
The parameters below convey those:
- from_entity (from_category_slug, from_slug)
- where_to_entity (where_to_category_slug, where_to_slug)
- placed_at (placed_at_slug)
1. from_entity
Parameter from_entity is used in Get methods - such as GetCharacter, GetPet, GetCurrency - referring to the actions at which the player gets something. Method events are used as the value of parameter from_entity.
GetEquipment(player_uuid: "XYZ", //player XYZ
character_uuid: "ABC", // took the role of character ABC
item_slug: "Swords of Magic", // got "Swords of Magic"
item_quantity: 1, // 1
from_entity: entity.PlayStage // at stage
from_category_slug: "Forest of Secret" // the category of stage was "Forest of Secret"
from_slug: "Forest of Secret 1-2"); // the stage was "Forest of Secret 1-2"
2. where_to_entity
Parameter where_to_entity is used in Use methods - such as UseCurrency, UseToken - referring to actions that make the player use something. Method events are used as the value of parameter where_to_entity.
UseCurrency(player_uuid: "XYZ", //player XYZ
character_uuid: "ABC", // took the role of character ABC
currency_slug: "DIAMOND", // used DIAMOND
currency_quantity: 50, // used 50
currency_total_quantity: 30, // 30 were left
where_to_entity: entity.ShopPurchase // used DIAMOND for in-app purchase
where_to_category_slug: "Shop", // the category of the place of purchase is the shop
where_to_slug : "GOLD 2000"); // bought 2000 gold package at the shop
3. placed_at
Parameter placed_at refers to where and when the players watch the ad. Method events are used as the value of parameter placed_at.
WatchAd(player_uuid: "XYZ", //player XYZ
character_uuid: "ABC", //took the role of character ABC
ad_slug: "abcsef0293828zks", // Ad ID "abcsef0293828zks"
ad_type: adType.Interstitial, //Interstitial ad
placed_at: adPlacement.LoginApp, //showed when player login game
ad_status: adStatus.Start // ad started
placed_at_slug: "lobby"); //the ad was placed in the lobby