Answers for your questions.
  • TentuPlay is a highly automated AI solution that provides analytics and CRM services for video games. Its revolutionary player segmentation and service personalization were proven to be effective in boosting KPIs in the cases of our customers and partners.

  • Causes of Player Churn and Purchases
    TentuPlay Analytics reveals the CAUSES of player behaviors, which will massively help you develop ideas on improving your game. On Dashboard, you can get insights into where and why each persona leaves the game, make purchases, and watch ads.

    New Segmentation & Real Personalization
    TentuPlay segments players by their playing styles, not by demographics or IAPs. It analyzes player logs to understand players’ behaviors and motivations and divides players into 28 personas accordingly. This approach enables a deeper understanding of players and genuine personalization in CRM. TentuPlay finds out what each player wants and provides them with it through personalized strategies and item offers.

    Automated Messaging System
    It takes very little work to use TentuPlay, as the entire process is highly automated. All the metrics for 28 personas are predefined, and the in-game messages with personalized strategies and item offers are automatically created and sent to each persona.

  • TentuPlay Analytics reveals the causes of player churn and IAPs, which game studios can use to improve their game. You can get the analysis results of each persona’s retention, causes of churn, in-game purchases, and ad watching.

    TentuPlay CRM automatically composes and sends personalized messages with the information each player needs to have more fun and keep progressing in the game. TentuPlay CRM has brought drastic increases in the retention of our customers’ games.

  • TentuPlay Dashboard helps you understand multilaterally why your players drop out or make purchases. On Dashboard, you can see

      The analysis results of the whole player base’s retention, in-app purchases, ad watching, game balance, etc.,
      The analysis results of each Player Persona’s retention, causes of churn, in-game purchases, ad watching, etc. and
      Personas with highest churn, Personas with highest spending, recommended Personas to work on, etc.

  • TentuPlay can be implemented in games of different genres as it has standardized a log data storage format. We’re currently applying for a patent on its data generalization technology.

  • TentuPlay will produce meaningful analysis results if your game has more than 100 DTUs* or 2,000 MTUs*.

    *DTUs : Dailly tracked users *MTUs : Monthly tracked users

  • TentuPlay is designed to minimize the amount of work required of game developers. Install TentuPlay SDK in your game and our AI will take care of the rest. It takes one developer 6 hours to install the SDK on average. Additional SDK installation support can be provided on request.

  • You don’t have to decide what to put in the messages yourself since AI will do it all for you. What you have to do is just customize the message template to fit your game’s UI.

  • Yes. TentuPlay offers a one-month free trial for everyone. Sign up and create your own project to get started. Try a free trial now.

  • Our SDKs support Unity, JavaScript, and Roblox. We also offer a REST API. Learn more in the Developer Docs.

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