Class in TentuPlay.Api / Implemented in: TentuPlay.Api
An API class required for data collection.
TPStashEvent.Join | User registration |
TPStashEvent.LoginApp | User’s login to the game. |
TPStashEvent.LoginAsCharacter | Character’s login. |
TPStashEvent.InAppPurchase | Character’s in-app purchase. |
TPStashEvent.WatchAd | In-app ad for the character. |
TPStashEvent.PlayQuest | Character’s progress in a quest. |
TPStashEvent.GetBonus | Character’s acquisition of a bonus. |
TPStashEvent.ChangeCharacterArchetype | Character's change in job. |
TPStashEvent.ChangeStat | Character's stat change. |
TPStashEvent.ChangeCustomAbility | Change in custom ability. |
TPStashEvent.PlayStage | Stage the character plays. |
TPStashEvent.PlayStageWithInfrastructure | Infrastructure the character uses in the stage. |
TPStashEvent.PlayStageWithPet | Pet the character brings in the stage. |
TPStashEvent.PlayStageWithConsumable | Consumable item the character uses in the stage. |
TPStashEvent.PlayStageWithEquipment | Equipment the character uses in the stage. |
TPStashEvent.PlayStageWithCosmetic | Cosmetic item the character uses in the stage. |
TPStashEvent.PlayStageWithSkill | Skill the character equips for the stage. |
TPStashEvent.GetCharacter | Player’s acquisition of a character. |
TPStashEvent.GetCurrency | Character’s acquisition of in-game currency. |
TPStashEvent.GetInfrastructure | Character's acquisition of an infrastructure. |
TPStashEvent.GetPet | Character's acquisition of a pet. |
TPStashEvent.GetToken | Character's acquisition of a token. |
TPStashEvent.GetConsumable | Character's acquisition of a consumable item. |
TPStashEvent.GetMaterial | Character's acquisition of a material item. |
TPStashEvent.GetEquipment | Character's acquisition of an equipment item. |
TPStashEvent.GetCosmetic | Character's acquisition of an cosmetic item. |
TPStashEvent.GetRandomBox | Character's acquisition of a randombox item. |
TPStashEvent.UseCurrency | Character’s spending of in-game currency. |
TPStashEvent.EquipInfrastructure | A character equipped or unequipped an infrastructure. |
TPStashEvent.EquipPet | A character equipped or unequipped a pet. |
TPStashEvent.UseToken | Character’s spending of token. |
TPStashEvent.UseConsumable | Character’s spending of consumable item. |
TPStashEvent.UseMaterial | Character’s spending of material item. |
TPStashEvent.EquipEquipment | A character equipped or unequipped an equipment. |
TPStashEvent.EquipCosmetic | A character equipped or unequipped a cosmetic. |
TPStashEvent.OpenRandomBox | Character’s opening of a randombox. |
TPStashEvent.EquipSkill | Skill the character equips/unequips. |
TPStashEvent.DismissCharacter | Player’s dismissal of a character. |
TPStashEvent.DismissInfrastructure | Dismissal of an infrastructure. |
TPStashEvent.DismissPet | Dismissal of a pet. |
TPStashEvent.DismissToken | Dismissal of a token. |
TPStashEvent.DismissConsumable | Dismissal of a consumable item. |
TPStashEvent.DismissMaterial | Dismissal of a material item. |
TPStashEvent.DismissEquipment | Dismissal of a equipment. |
TPStashEvent.DismissCosmetic | Dismissal of a cosmetic item. |
TPStashEvent.DismissRandomBox | Dismissal of a randombox item. |
TPStashEvent.LevelUpCharacter | Character’s level up. |
TPStashEvent.LevelUpInfrastructure | The infrastructure item the character levels up. |
TPStashEvent.LevelUpPet | The pet the character levels up. |
TPStashEvent.LevelUpConsumable | The consumable item the character levels up. |
TPStashEvent.LevelUpMaterial | The material item the character levels up. |
TPStashEvent.LevelUpEquipment | The equipment the character levels up. |
TPStashEvent.LevelUpCosmetic | The cosmetic item the character levels up. |
TPStashEvent.LevelUpSkill | Character's skill levelup. |
TPStashEvent.DepositCurrency | When a player deposits currencies to its storage. |
TPStashEvent.DepositInfrastructure | When a player deposits a infrastructure item to its storage. |
TPStashEvent.DepositPet | When a player deposits a pet to its storage. |
TPStashEvent.DepositToken | When a player deposits a token to its storage. |
TPStashEvent.DepositConsumable | When a player deposits a consumable item to its storage. |
TPStashEvent.DepositMaterial | When a player deposits a material item to its storage. |
TPStashEvent.DepositEquipment | When a player deposits a equipment to its storage. |
TPStashEvent.DepositCosmetic | When a player deposits a cosmetic item to its storage. |
TPStashEvent.DepositRandomBox | When a player deposits a randombox item to its storage. |
TPStashEvent.WithdrawCurrency | When a player withdraws currencies from its storage. |
TPStashEvent.WithdrawInfrastructure | When a player withdraws a infrastructure item from its storage. |
TPStashEvent.WithdrawPet | When a player withdraws a pet from its storage. |
TPStashEvent.WithdrawToken | When a player withdraws a token item from its storage. |
TPStashEvent.WithdrawConsumable | When a player withdraws a consumable item from its storage. |
TPStashEvent.WithdrawMaterial | When a player withdraws a material item from its storage. |
TPStashEvent.WithdrawEquipment | When a player withdraws an equipment item from its storage |
TPStashEvent.WithdrawCosmetic | When a player withdraws a cosmetic item from its storage |
TPStashEvent.WithdrawRandomBox | When a player withdraws a random / loot box like item from its storage |
TPStashEvent.StashAdviceEvent | Events related with showing, closing an advice (in-game mail and pop-ups) and associated button actions. |
TPStashEvent.StashOfferEvent | Events related with showing, closing an offer(in-game mail and pop-ups) and associated button actions. |
TPStashEvent.Record | This is a method to directly enter the method name and parameters of TPStashEvent. |
public int Join(string player_uuid);
It collects data of user registration. It is called only once when the user registers, and must be called again when the user’s player_uuid is altered through re-registration. It gathers essential data that is used in analysis of every persona.
It returns 1 for success and -1 for failure. If -1 is returned, you will see the following message in the Unity Editor Console in TentuPlay debug mode:
TPError||ERROR inserting table_name: exception_error_message
player_uuid |
Player’s unique lD (Not a character's ID). e.g. Steam User ID, Google Play User ID .. |
public int LoginApp(string player_uuid, [string app_version = null]);
It collects user’s app login data. This method is to be called when the user logs into the game. It is called before any other TPStashEvents and used in analysis of almost every persona.
It returns 1 for success and -1 for failure. If -1 is returned, you will see the following message in the Unity Editor Console in TentuPlay debug mode:
TPError||ERROR inserting table_name: exception_error_message
player_uuid |
Player’s unique lD (Not a character's ID). e.g. Steam User ID, Google Play User ID .. |
app_version |
The version of the game client when the player logs in. |
public int LoginAsCharacter(string player_uuid, string character_uuid);
It collects character’s login data when a character signs into separate servers.
It returns 1 for success and -1 for failure. If -1 is returned, you will see the following message in the Unity Editor Console in TentuPlay debug mode:
TPError||ERROR inserting table_name: exception_error_message
player_uuid |
Player’s unique lD (Not a character's ID). e.g. Steam User ID, Google Play User ID .. |
character_uuid |
Player’s character’s unique lD. |
public int InAppPurchase(string player_uuid, string character_uuid, string purchasable_slug, float purchase_quantity, float purchase_unit_price, float purchase_total_price, currencyCode purchase_currency_code, [bool? is_ad_remove = null]);
It collects data of a character’s in-app purchases.
This method is to be called when an in-app purchase occurs and used in analysis of purchase-related personas.
It returns 1 for success and -1 for failure. If -1 is returned, you will see the following message in the Unity Editor Console in TentuPlay debug mode:
TPError||ERROR inserting table_name: exception_error_message
player_uuid |
Player’s unique lD (Not a character's ID). e.g. Steam User ID, Google Play User ID .. |
character_uuid |
Player’s character’s unique lD. |
purchasable_slug |
Unique identifier of the purchased product. |
purchase_quantity |
The number/amount of purchased products. |
purchase_unit_price |
Unit price of the purchased product. |
purchase_total_price |
Total price of the purchased products. |
purchase_currency_code |
3 letter Currency code, as defined by ISO 4217 |
is_ad_remove |
True if purchased item includes or is related to in-app ad removal. |
public int WatchAd(string player_uuid, string character_uuid, string ad_slug, adType ad_type, adPlacement placed_at, adStatus ad_status, [string placed_at_slug = null]);
It collects data of an in-app ad for the character. This method is to be called when events like ad exposure, ad play, and ad end, and used in analysis of ad-related personas.
It returns 1 for success and -1 for failure. If -1 is returned, you will see the following message in the Unity Editor Console in TentuPlay debug mode:
TPError||ERROR inserting table_name: exception_error_message
player_uuid |
Player’s unique lD (Not a character's ID). e.g. Steam User ID, Google Play User ID .. |
character_uuid |
Player’s character’s unique lD. |
ad_slug |
Unique identifier of the ad |
ad_type |
Ad type.
placed_at |
When to watch the advertisement.
ad_status |
Ad exposure/Ad status
placed_at_slug |
When to watch the advertisement(detailed) |
public int PlayQuest(string player_uuid, string character_uuid, string quest_slug, string quest_status, [string quest_category_slug = null]);
It collects data of the character’s progress in a quest. This method is to be called when the character is accepting a given quest or end/complete the quest.
“Quest” is defined as:
- All the systems in which a character accomplish certain conditions, such as “mission,” “duty,” or “quest” and receives predetermined rewards.
- E.g. daily quest, scenario completion quest, event dungeon.
It returns 1 for success and -1 for failure. If -1 is returned, you will see the following message in the Unity Editor Console in TentuPlay debug mode:
TPError||ERROR inserting table_name: exception_error_message
player_uuid |
Player’s unique lD (Not a character's ID). e.g. Steam User ID, Google Play User ID .. |
character_uuid |
Player’s character’s unique lD. |
quest_slug |
Unique identifier of the quest. |
quest_status |
Quest progress status
quest_category_slug |
Category of the quest. |
public int GetBonus(string player_uuid, string character_uuid, string bonus_slug, bool is_automated, [string bonus_category_slug = null]);
It collects data of the character’s acquisition of a bonus in the game.
“Bonus” means an effortless reward a player/character gets regardless of whether they play in-game content or not. For example,
- Every system that gives a player/character a reward or an opportunity to get a reward if they are logged in for a certain amount of time. ‘Every N minutes,’ ‘Only N times a day', and other additional reward systems that give limited rewards.
- Rewards that a player/character gets from using a coupon or any free giveaway.
It returns 1 for success and -1 for failure. If -1 is returned, you will see the following message in the Unity Editor Console in TentuPlay debug mode:
TPError||ERROR inserting table_name: exception_error_message
player_uuid |
Player’s unique lD (Not a character's ID). e.g. Steam User ID, Google Play User ID .. |
character_uuid |
Player’s character’s unique lD. |
bonus_slug |
Unique identifier of the bonus |
bonus_category_slug |
Category of the bonus. |
is_automated |
Whether the bonus is acquired automatically or manually.
public int ChangeCharacterArchetype(string player_uuid, string character_uuid, string characterarchetype_to_slug, [string characterarchetype_from_slug = null]);
It collects data where the character changes job and the character archetype is changed. Even if the archetype changes, the character unique identifier character_uuid
stays the same.
It returns 1 for success and -1 for failure. If -1 is returned, you will see the following message in the Unity Editor Console in TentuPlay debug mode:
TPError||ERROR inserting table_name: exception_error_message
player_uuid |
Player’s unique lD (Not a character's ID). e.g. Steam User ID, Google Play User ID .. |
character_uuid |
Player’s character’s unique lD. |
characterarchetype_to_slug |
Character's archetype after job change. |
characterarchetype_from_slug |
Character's archetype before job change. |
public int ChangeStat(string player_uuid, string character_uuid, string stat_slug, int stat_to, [string stat_category_slug=null], [int? stat_from=null]);
It collects data of the character's changed stats. Use this method only when the player can change specific stat selectively.
It returns 1 for success and -1 for failure. If -1 is returned, you will see the following message in the Console window of Unity Editor in TentuPlay debug mode:
TPError||ERROR inserting table_name: exception_error_message
stat_category_slug |
Unique category slug (similar to the name of the category) of stats. e.g. "CharacterSkills", "CharacterAbilities" |
stat_to |
Stat value as number after changed |
stat_from |
Stat value as number before the change |
player_uuid |
Player’s unique lD (Not a character's ID). e.g. Steam User ID, Google Play User ID .. |
character_uuid |
Player’s character’s unique lD. |
stat_slug |
Unique slug (similar to ID) for a stat (e.g. "Strength", "Perception", "Endurance" .. ) |
public int ChangeCustomAbility(string player_uuid, string character_uuid, string custom_ability_slug, int custom_ability_to, [string custom_ability_category_slug = null], [int? custom_ability_from = null]);
It collects the change in custom ability. Custom ability refers to game-specific ability other than the level and stats of a character or item. Feel free to record the unique identifier and change of that ability.
Returns 1 if the collection of event was successful, -1 if was not. If -1 was returned (unsuccessful), you can check error messages in the Unity console when TentuPlay is in debug mode. TPError||ERROR inserting table_name: exception_error_message
player_uuid |
Player’s unique lD (Not a character's ID). e.g. Steam User ID, Google Play User ID .. |
character_uuid |
Player’s character’s unique lD. |
custom_ability_slug |
Unique identifier of your custom ability. |
custom_ability_to |
Custom ability after the change |
custom_ability_category_slug |
Category of your custom ability |
custom_ability_from |
Custom ability before the change |
custom_ability_from |
Custom ability before the change |
public int PlayStage(string player_uuid, string[] character_uuids, stageType stage_type, string stage_slug, [string stage_category_slug = null], [string stage_level = null], [int? stage_score = null], [stageStatus stage_status = stageStatus.Unknown], [int? stage_playtime = null]);
It collects data of various stages the character plays in the game. It is to be called when an event in which an stage begins or ends, and used in analysis of personas related to stage playing.
It returns 1 for success and -1 for failure. If -1 is returned, you will see the following message in the Unity Editor Console in TentuPlay debug mode:
TPError||ERROR inserting table_name: exception_error_message
Caution- In case of inconsistency of occurrence time and call time of stage event: CharacterStage should be called at the same time as the event occurrence time in the beginning/end of a stage. However, in cases where the call time of each method is inconsistent with the actual beginning/end of the stage, stage_playtime parameters should be filled in with a value. It causes an error in calculating play hours if stage_playtime is left empty of a value in an event of stage end. If it is difficult to measure the exact amount of time to complete the stage, approximate values should be added.
player_uuid |
Player’s unique lD (Not a character's ID). e.g. Steam User ID, Google Play User ID .. |
character_uuids |
A list of unique character IDs of a player.
If a game does not have characters, or includes players which are not characters,
the list becomes
stage_type |
Stage type
stage_slug |
Unique identifier of the stage. |
stage_category_slug |
Category of the stage type. |
stage_level |
String of the stage level. |
stage_score |
Stage score when the stage ends. |
stage_status |
Stage status.
stage_playtime |
Stage play time until the stage ends. |
stage_playtime |
Stage play time until the stage ends. |
stage_level |
String of the stage level. |
stage_score |
Stage score when the stage ends. |
stage_status |
Stage status.
public int PlayStageWithInfrastructure(string player_uuid, string character_uuid, string item_slug, string stage_slug, [stageType stage_type = stageType.Unknown], [string stage_category_slug = null]);
It collects data of the infrastructure the character brings to the stage.
Category of the item
- Equipment: Weapons, armors, accessories, and other gears
- Consumable: Potion, bandage, and other consumable items
- Cosmetic: Costumes that do not affect the player/character's ability, etc.
- Token: Alternative currency with limited use such as 'token for pvp shop'. Token includes an entrance ticket.
- Material: Raw materials for gear upgrades, character ranking up, etc.
- Infrastructure: Items that indirectly affects the whole game. Fixed assets.
- Pet: Pet
- RandomBox: A random box that can be opened, in which the content depends on the probability.
It returns 1 for success and -1 for failure. If -1 is returned, you will see the following message in the Console window of Unity Editor in TentuPlay debug mode: TPError||ERROR inserting table_name: exception_error_message
player_uuid |
Player’s unique lD (Not a character's ID). e.g. Steam User ID, Google Play User ID .. |
character_uuid |
Player’s character’s unique lD. |
item_slug |
Unique string identifier of the item. e.g."weapon_sword_dagger", "shield_kite_rare" |
stage_slug |
Unique identifier of the stage. |
stage_type |
Stage type
stage_category_slug |
Category of the stage type. |
stat_category_slug |
Unique category slug (similar to the name of the category) of stats. e.g. "CharacterSkills", "CharacterAbilities" |
stage_category_slug |
Category of the stage type. |
public int PlayStageWithPet(string player_uuid, string character_uuid, string item_slug, string stage_slug, [stageType stage_type = stageType.Unknown], [string stage_category_slug = null]);
It collects data of the pet the character brings to the stage.
Category of the item
- Equipment: Weapons, armors, accessories, and other gears
- Consumable: Potion, bandage, and other consumable items
- Cosmetic: Costumes that do not affect the player/character's ability, etc.
- Token: Alternative currency with limited use such as 'token for pvp shop'. Token includes an entrance ticket.
- Material: Raw materials for gear upgrades, character ranking up, etc.
- Infrastructure: Items that indirectly affects the whole game. Fixed assets.
- Pet: Pet
- RandomBox: A random box that can be opened, in which the content depends on the probability.
It returns 1 for success and -1 for failure. If -1 is returned, you will see the following message in the Console window of Unity Editor in TentuPlay debug mode: TPError||ERROR inserting table_name: exception_error_message
player_uuid |
Player’s unique lD (Not a character's ID). e.g. Steam User ID, Google Play User ID .. |
character_uuid |
Player’s character’s unique lD. |
item_slug |
Unique string identifier of the item. e.g."weapon_sword_dagger", "shield_kite_rare" |
stage_slug |
Unique identifier of the stage. |
stage_type |
Stage type
stage_category_slug |
Category of the stage type. |
stage_category_slug |
Category of the stage type. |
public int PlayStageWithConsumable(string player_uuid, string character_uuid, string item_slug, string [stage_slug, stageType stage_type = stageType.Unknown], [string stage_category_slug = null]);
It collects data of the consumable item the character brings to the stage.
Category of the item
- Equipment: Weapons, armors, accessories, and other gears
- Consumable: Potion, bandage, and other consumable items
- Cosmetic: Costumes that do not affect the player/character's ability, etc.
- Token: Alternative currency with limited use such as 'token for pvp shop'. Token includes an entrance ticket.
- Material: Raw materials for gear upgrades, character ranking up, etc.
- Infrastructure: Items that indirectly affects the whole game. Fixed assets.
- Pet: Pet
- RandomBox: A random box that can be opened, in which the content depends on the probability.
It returns 1 for success and -1 for failure. If -1 is returned, you will see the following message in the Console window of Unity Editor in TentuPlay debug mode: TPError||ERROR inserting table_name: exception_error_message
player_uuid |
Player’s unique lD (Not a character's ID). e.g. Steam User ID, Google Play User ID .. |
character_uuid |
Player’s character’s unique lD. |
item_slug |
Unique string identifier of the item. e.g."weapon_sword_dagger", "shield_kite_rare" |
stage_slug |
Unique identifier of the stage. |
stage_type |
Stage type
stage_category_slug |
Category of the stage type. |
public int PlayStageWithEquipment(string player_uuid, string character_uuid, string item_slug, string [stage_slug, stageType stage_type = stageType.Unknown], [string stage_category_slug = null]);
It collects data of the equipment the character brings to the stage.
Category of the item
- Equipment: Weapons, armors, accessories, and other gears
- Consumable: Potion, bandage, and other consumable items
- Cosmetic: Costumes that do not affect the player/character's ability, etc.
- Token: Alternative currency with limited use such as 'token for pvp shop'. Token includes an entrance ticket.
- Material: Raw materials for gear upgrades, character ranking up, etc.
- Infrastructure: Items that indirectly affects the whole game. Fixed assets.
- Pet: Pet
- RandomBox: A random box that can be opened, in which the content depends on the probability.
It returns 1 for success and -1 for failure. If -1 is returned, you will see the following message in the Console window of Unity Editor in TentuPlay debug mode: TPError||ERROR inserting table_name: exception_error_message
player_uuid |
Player’s unique lD (Not a character's ID). e.g. Steam User ID, Google Play User ID .. |
character_uuid |
Player’s character’s unique lD. |
item_slug |
Unique string identifier of the item. e.g."weapon_sword_dagger", "shield_kite_rare" |
stage_slug |
Unique identifier of the stage. |
stage_type |
Stage type
stage_category_slug |
Category of the stage type. |
public int PlayStageWithCosmetic(string player_uuid, string character_uuid, string item_slug, string [stage_slug, stageType stage_type = stageType.Unknown], [string stage_category_slug = null]);
It collects data of the cosmetic item the character brings to the stage.
Category of the item
- Equipment: Weapons, armors, accessories, and other gears
- Consumable: Potion, bandage, and other consumable items
- Cosmetic: Costumes that do not affect the player/character's ability, etc.
- Token: Alternative currency with limited use such as 'token for pvp shop'. Token includes an entrance ticket.
- Material: Raw materials for gear upgrades, character ranking up, etc.
- Infrastructure: Items that indirectly affects the whole game. Fixed assets.
- Pet: Pet
- RandomBox: A random box that can be opened, in which the content depends on the probability.
It returns 1 for success and -1 for failure. If -1 is returned, you will see the following message in the Console window of Unity Editor in TentuPlay debug mode: TPError||ERROR inserting table_name: exception_error_message
player_uuid |
Player’s unique lD (Not a character's ID). e.g. Steam User ID, Google Play User ID .. |
character_uuid |
Player’s character’s unique lD. |
item_slug |
Unique string identifier of the item. e.g."weapon_sword_dagger", "shield_kite_rare" |
stage_slug |
Unique identifier of the stage. |
stage_type |
Stage type
stage_category_slug |
Category of the stage type. |
public int PlayStageWithSkill(string player_uuid, string character_uuid, string skill_slug, string stage_slug, [string skill_category_slug = null], [stageType stage_type = stageType.Unknown], [string stage_category_slug = null]);
It collects data of the skill the character equips for the stage.
It returns 1 for success and -1 for failure. If -1 is returned, you will see the following message in the Console window of Unity Editor in TentuPlay debug mode: TPError||ERROR inserting table_name: exception_error_message
player_uuid |
Player’s unique lD (Not a character's ID). e.g. Steam User ID, Google Play User ID .. |
character_uuid |
Player’s character’s unique lD. |
skill_slug |
Unique identifier of the skill. |
skill_category_slug |
Category name of the skill. |
stage_slug |
Unique identifier of the stage. |
stage_type |
Stage type
stage_category_slug |
Category of the stage type. |
public int GetCharacter(string player_uuid, string character_uuid, string characterarchetype_slug, [entity from_entity = entity.None], [string from_category_slug = null], [string from_slug = null]);
It collects data of the player’s acquisition/creation of a character. It is to be called when an event of a character acquisition occurs during or at the beginning of the game, and used in analysis of personas related to character acquisition and destruction.
Character acquisition means possession of a character. Character destruction refers to an event in which the player does not have the character any more as they have sold it away or consumed it as ingredient for something. Character destruction may not exist in certain games.
It returns 1 for success and -1 for failure. If -1 is returned, you will see the following message in the Unity Editor Console in TentuPlay debug mode:
TPError||ERROR inserting table_name: exception_error_message
player_uuid |
Player’s unique lD (Not a character's ID). e.g. Steam User ID, Google Play User ID .. |
character_uuid |
Player’s character’s unique lD. |
characterarchetype_slug |
Unique identifier of the character archetype. |
from_entity |
From what actions did the character get the character.
from_category_slug |
The category of action the character get the character from. |
from_slug |
The name of action the character get the character from. |
public int GetCurrency(string player_uuid, string character_uuid, string currency_slug, float currency_quantity, [float? currency_total_quantity = null], [entity from_entity = entity.None], [string from_category_slug = null], [string from_slug = null]);
It collects data of the character’s acquisition of in-game currency. It is to be called when an event of currency acquisition occurs in the middle of the game, and used in analysis of personas related to currency acquisition.
It returns 1 for success and -1 for failure. If -1 is returned, you will see the following message in the Unity Editor Console in TentuPlay debug mode:
TPError||ERROR inserting table_name: exception_error_message
player_uuid |
Player’s unique lD (Not a character's ID). e.g. Steam User ID, Google Play User ID .. |
character_uuid |
Player’s character’s unique lD. |
currency_slug |
Unique identifier of currency. Ex) 'gold,' 'diamond,' 'crystal,' etc. |
currency_quantity |
The number/amount of currency acquired |
currency_total_quantity |
The total number/amount of reserved currency after currency acquisition. This parameter is not mandatory but highly recommended as it helps create more accurate currency reserve status. |
from_entity |
From what actions did the character get the currency.
from_category_slug |
The category of action the character get the currency from. |
from_slug |
The name of action the character get the currency from. |
public int GetInfrastructure(string player_uuid, string character_uuid, string item_slug, float item_quantity, [entity from_entity = entity.None], [string from_category_slug = null], [string from_slug = null]);
This method collects the data of the character getting an infrastructure.
Category of the item
- Equipment: Weapons, armors, accessories, and other gears
- Consumable: Potion, bandage, and other consumable items
- Cosmetic: Costumes that do not affect the player/character's ability, etc.
- Token: Alternative currency with limited use such as 'token for pvp shop'. Token includes an entrance ticket.
- Material: Raw materials for gear upgrades, character ranking up, etc.
- Infrastructure: Items that indirectly affects the whole game. Fixed assets.
- Pet: Pet
- RandomBox: A random box that can be opened, in which the content depends on the probability.
It returns 1 for success and -1 for failure. If -1 is returned, you will see the following message in the Unity Editor console in TentuPlay debug mode:
TPError||ERROR inserting table_name: exception_error_message
player_uuid |
Player’s unique lD (Not a character's ID). e.g. Steam User ID, Google Play User ID .. |
character_uuid |
Player’s character’s unique lD. |
item_slug |
Unique string identifier of the item. e.g."weapon_sword_dagger", "shield_kite_rare" |
item_quantity |
The number/amount of infrastructure acquired. |
from_entity |
From what actions did the character get the infrastructure.
from_category_slug |
The category of action the character get the infrastructure from. |
from_slug |
The name of action the character acquisition of infrastructure from. |
public int GetPet(string player_uuid, string character_uuid, string item_slug, float item_quantity, entity [from_entity = entity.None], [string from_category_slug = null], [string from_slug = null]);
This method collects the data of the character getting a pet.
Category of the item
- Equipment: Weapons, armors, accessories, and other gears
- Consumable: Potion, bandage, and other consumable items
- Cosmetic: Costumes that do not affect the player/character's ability, etc.
- Token: Alternative currency with limited use such as 'token for pvp shop'. Token includes an entrance ticket.
- Material: Raw materials for gear upgrades, character ranking up, etc.
- Infrastructure: Items that indirectly affects the whole game. Fixed assets.
- Pet: Pet
- RandomBox: A random box that can be opened, in which the content depends on the probability.
It returns 1 for success and -1 for failure. If -1 is returned, you will see the following message in the Unity Editor console in TentuPlay debug mode:
TPError||ERROR inserting table_name: exception_error_message
player_uuid |
Player’s unique lD (Not a character's ID). e.g. Steam User ID, Google Play User ID .. |
character_uuid |
Player’s character’s unique lD. |
item_slug |
Unique string identifier of the item. e.g."weapon_sword_dagger", "shield_kite_rare" |
item_quantity |
The number/amount of pet acquired. |
from_entity |
From what actions did the character get the pet.
from_category_slug |
The category of action the character get the pet from. |
from_slug |
The name of action the character get the pet from. |
public int GetToken(string player_uuid, string character_uuid, string item_slug, float item_quantity, entity [from_entity = entity.None], [string from_category_slug = null], [string from_slug = null]);
This method collects the data of the character getting a token.
Category of the item
- Equipment: Weapons, armors, accessories, and other gears
- Consumable: Potion, bandage, and other consumable items
- Cosmetic: Costumes that do not affect the player/character's ability, etc.
- Token: Alternative currency with limited use such as 'token for pvp shop'. Token includes an entrance ticket.
- Material: Raw materials for gear upgrades, character ranking up, etc.
- Infrastructure: Items that indirectly affects the whole game. Fixed assets.
- Pet: Pet
- RandomBox: A random box that can be opened, in which the content depends on the probability.
It returns 1 for success and -1 for failure. If -1 is returned, you will see the following message in the Unity Editor console in TentuPlay debug mode: TPError||ERROR inserting table_name: exception_error_message
player_uuid |
Player’s unique lD (Not a character's ID). e.g. Steam User ID, Google Play User ID .. |
character_uuid |
Player’s character’s unique lD. |
item_slug |
Unique string identifier of the item. e.g."weapon_sword_dagger", "shield_kite_rare" |
item_quantity |
The number/amount of token acquired. |
from_entity |
From what actions did the character get the token.
from_category_slug |
The category of action the character get the token from. |
from_slug |
The name of action the character get the token from. |
public int GetConsumable(string player_uuid, string character_uuid, string item_slug, float item_quantity, [entity from_entity = entity.None], [string from_category_slug = null], [string from_slug = null]);
This method collects the data of the character getting a consumable item.
Category of the item
- Equipment: Weapons, armors, accessories, and other gears
- Consumable: Potion, bandage, and other consumable items
- Cosmetic: Costumes that do not affect the player/character's ability, etc.
- Token: Alternative currency with limited use such as 'token for pvp shop'. Token includes an entrance ticket.
- Material: Raw materials for gear upgrades, character ranking up, etc.
- Infrastructure: Items that indirectly affects the whole game. Fixed assets.
- Pet: Pet
- RandomBox: A random box that can be opened, in which the content depends on the probability.
It returns 1 for success and -1 for failure. If -1 is returned, you will see the following message in the Unity Editor console in TentuPlay debug mode:
TPError||ERROR inserting table_name: exception_error_message
player_uuid |
Player’s unique lD (Not a character's ID). e.g. Steam User ID, Google Play User ID .. |
character_uuid |
Player’s character’s unique lD. |
item_slug |
Unique string identifier of the item. e.g."weapon_sword_dagger", "shield_kite_rare" |
item_quantity |
The number/amount of consumable item acquired. |
from_entity |
From what actions did the character get the consumable item.
from_category_slug |
The category of action the character get the consumable item from. |
from_slug |
The name of action the character get the consumable item from. |
public int GetMaterial(string player_uuid, string character_uuid, string item_slug, float item_quantity, entity [from_entity = entity.None], [string from_category_slug = null], [string from_slug = null]);
This method collects the data of the character getting a material item.
Category of the item
- Equipment: Weapons, armors, accessories, and other gears
- Consumable: Potion, bandage, and other consumable items
- Cosmetic: Costumes that do not affect the player/character's ability, etc.
- Token: Alternative currency with limited use such as 'token for pvp shop'. Token includes an entrance ticket.
- Material: Raw materials for gear upgrades, character ranking up, etc.
- Infrastructure: Items that indirectly affects the whole game. Fixed assets.
- Pet: Pet
- RandomBox: A random box that can be opened, in which the content depends on the probability.
It returns 1 for success and -1 for failure. If -1 is returned, you will see the following message in the Unity Editor console in TentuPlay debug mode:
TPError||ERROR inserting table_name: exception_error_message
player_uuid |
Player’s unique lD (Not a character's ID). e.g. Steam User ID, Google Play User ID .. |
character_uuid |
Player’s character’s unique lD. |
item_slug |
Unique string identifier of the item. e.g."weapon_sword_dagger", "shield_kite_rare" |
item_quantity |
The number/amount of material item acquired. |
from_entity |
From what actions did the character get the material item.
from_category_slug |
The category of action the character get the material item from. |
from_slug |
The name of action the character get the material item from. |
public int GetEquipment(string player_uuid, string character_uuid, string item_slug, float item_quantity, [entity from_entity = entity.None], [string from_category_slug = null], [string from_slug = null]);
This method collects the data of the character getting an equipment item.
Category of the item
- Equipment: Weapons, armors, accessories, and other gears
- Consumable: Potion, bandage, and other consumable items
- Cosmetic: Costumes that do not affect the player/character's ability, etc.
- Token: Alternative currency with limited use such as 'token for pvp shop'. Token includes an entrance ticket.
- Material: Raw materials for gear upgrades, character ranking up, etc.
- Infrastructure: Items that indirectly affects the whole game. Fixed assets.
- Pet: Pet
- RandomBox: A random box that can be opened, in which the content depends on the probability.
It returns 1 for success and -1 for failure. If -1 is returned, you will see the following message in the Unity Editor console in TentuPlay debug mode:
TPError||ERROR inserting table_name: exception_error_message
player_uuid |
Player’s unique lD (Not a character's ID). e.g. Steam User ID, Google Play User ID .. |
character_uuid |
Player’s character’s unique lD. |
item_slug |
Unique string identifier of the item. e.g."weapon_sword_dagger", "shield_kite_rare" |
item_quantity |
The number/amount of equipment item acquired. |
from_entity |
From what actions did the character get the equipment item.
from_category_slug |
The category of action the character get the equipment item from. |
from_slug |
The name of action the character get the equipment item from. |
public int GetCosmetic(string player_uuid, string character_uuid, string item_slug, float item_quantity, [entity from_entity = entity.None], [string from_category_slug = null], [string from_slug = null]);
This method collects the data of the character getting a cosmetic item.
Category of the item
- Equipment: Weapons, armors, accessories, and other gears
- Consumable: Potion, bandage, and other consumable items
- Cosmetic: Costumes that do not affect the player/character's ability, etc.
- Token: Alternative currency with limited use such as 'token for pvp shop'. Token includes an entrance ticket.
- Material: Raw materials for gear upgrades, character ranking up, etc.
- Infrastructure: Items that indirectly affects the whole game. Fixed assets.
- Pet: Pet
- RandomBox: A random box that can be opened, in which the content depends on the probability.
It returns 1 for success and -1 for failure. If -1 is returned, you will see the following message in the Unity Editor console in TentuPlay debug mode:
TPError||ERROR inserting table_name: exception_error_message
player_uuid |
Player’s unique lD (Not a character's ID). e.g. Steam User ID, Google Play User ID .. |
character_uuid |
Player’s character’s unique lD. |
item_slug |
Unique string identifier of the item. e.g."weapon_sword_dagger", "shield_kite_rare" |
item_quantity |
The number/amount of cosmetic item acquired. |
from_entity |
From what actions did the character get the cosmetic item.
from_category_slug |
The category of action the character get the cosmetic item from. |
from_slug |
The name of action the character get the cosmetic item from. |
public int GetRandomBox(string player_uuid, string character_uuid, string item_slug, float item_quantity, [entity from_entity = entity.None], [string from_category_slug = null], [string from_slug = null]);
This method collects the data of the character getting a randombox item.
Category of the item
- Equipment: Weapons, armors, accessories, and other gears
- Consumable: Potion, bandage, and other consumable items
- Cosmetic: Costumes that do not affect the player/character's ability, etc.
- Token: Alternative currency with limited use such as 'token for pvp shop'. Token includes an entrance ticket.
- Material: Raw materials for gear upgrades, character ranking up, etc.
- Infrastructure: Items that indirectly affects the whole game. Fixed assets.
- Pet: Pet
- RandomBox: A random box that can be opened, in which the content depends on the probability.
It returns 1 for success and -1 for failure. If -1 is returned, you will see the following message in the Unity Editor console in TentuPlay debug mode:
TPError||ERROR inserting table_name: exception_error_message
player_uuid |
Player’s unique lD (Not a character's ID). e.g. Steam User ID, Google Play User ID .. |
character_uuid |
Player’s character’s unique lD. |
item_slug |
Unique string identifier of the item. e.g."weapon_sword_dagger", "shield_kite_rare" |
item_quantity |
The number/amount of randombox item acquired. |
from_entity |
From what actions did the character get the randombox item.
from_category_slug |
The category of action the character get the randombox item from. |
from_slug |
The name of action the character get the randombox item from. |
public int UseCurrency(string player_uuid, string character_uuid, string currency_slug, float currency_quantity, [float? currency_total_quantity = null], [entity where_to_entity = entity.None], [string where_to_category_slug = null], [string where_to_slug = null]);
It collects data of the character’s spending of in-game currency. It is to be called when an event of spending in-game currency occurs in the middle of the game, and used in analysis of personas related to currency acquisition.
It returns 1 for success and -1 for failure. If -1 is returned, you will see the following message in the Unity Editor Console in TentuPlay debug mode:
TPError||ERROR inserting table_name: exception_error_message
player_uuid |
Player’s unique lD (Not a character's ID). e.g. Steam User ID, Google Play User ID .. |
character_uuid |
Player’s character’s unique lD. |
currency_slug |
Unique identifier of currency. Ex) 'gold,' 'diamond,' 'crystal,' etc. |
currency_quantity |
The number/amount of currency used |
currency_total_quantity |
The total number/amount of reserved currency after currency usage. This parameter is not mandatory but highly recommended as it helps create more accurate currency reserve status. |
where_to_entity |
To what actions did the character use the currency.
where_to_category_slug |
The category of action the character use the currency to. |
where_to_slug |
The name of action the character use the currency to. |
public int EquipInfrastructure(string player_uuid, string character_uuid, string item_slug, equipStatus equip_status, [int? character_level = null], [int? item_level = null]);
Collects the event when a character equipped or unequipped an infrastructure.
Category of the item
- Equipment: Weapons, armors, accessories, and other gears
- Consumable: Potion, bandage, and other consumable items
- Cosmetic: Costumes that do not affect the player/character's ability, etc.
- Token: Alternative currency with limited use such as 'token for pvp shop'. Token includes an entrance ticket.
- Material: Raw materials for gear upgrades, character ranking up, etc.
- Infrastructure: Items that indirectly affects the whole game. Fixed assets.
- Pet: Pet
- RandomBox: A random box that can be opened, in which the content depends on the probability.
Returns 1 if the collection of event was successful, -1 if was not. If -1 was returned (unsuccessful), you can check error messages in the Unity console when TentuPlay is in debug mode: TPError||ERROR inserting table_name: exception_error_message
player_uuid |
Player’s unique lD (Not a character's ID). e.g. Steam User ID, Google Play User ID .. |
character_uuid |
Player’s character’s unique lD. |
item_slug |
Unique string identifier of the item. e.g."weapon_sword_dagger", "shield_kite_rare" |
equip_status |
Status code represents if the Infrastructure is equipped or not.
item_level |
The level of the item which was equipped. |
character_level |
The level of the character when equips the infrastructure |
public int EquipPet(string player_uuid, string character_uuid, string item_slug, equipStatus equip_status, [int? character_level = null], [int? item_level = null]);
Collects the event when a character equipped or unequipped a pet.
Category of the item
- Equipment: Weapons, armors, accessories, and other gears
- Consumable: Potion, bandage, and other consumable items
- Cosmetic: Costumes that do not affect the player/character's ability, etc.
- Token: Alternative currency with limited use such as 'token for pvp shop'. Token includes an entrance ticket.
- Material: Raw materials for gear upgrades, character ranking up, etc.
- Infrastructure: Items that indirectly affects the whole game. Fixed assets.
- Pet: Pet
- RandomBox: A random box that can be opened, in which the content depends on the probability.
Returns 1 if the collection of event was successful, -1 if was not. If -1 was returned (unsuccessful), you can check error messages in the Unity console when TentuPlay is in debug mode: TPError||ERROR inserting table_name: exception_error_message
player_uuid |
Player’s unique lD (Not a character's ID). e.g. Steam User ID, Google Play User ID .. |
character_uuid |
Player’s character’s unique lD. |
item_slug |
Unique string identifier of the item. e.g."weapon_sword_dagger", "shield_kite_rare" |
equip_status |
Status code represents if the 펫 is equipped or not.
item_level |
The level of the item which was equipped. |
character_level |
The level of the character when equips the pet |
public int UseToken(string player_uuid, string character_uuid, string item_slug, float item_quantity, [entity where_to_entity = entity.None], [string where_to_category_slug = null], [string where_to_slug = null]);
This method collects the data of the character using token.
Category of the item
- Equipment: Weapons, armors, accessories, and other gears
- Consumable: Potion, bandage, and other consumable items
- Cosmetic: Costumes that do not affect the player/character's ability, etc.
- Token: Alternative currency with limited use such as 'token for pvp shop'. Token includes an entrance ticket.
- Material: Raw materials for gear upgrades, character ranking up, etc.
- Infrastructure: Items that indirectly affects the whole game. Fixed assets.
- Pet: Pet
- RandomBox: A random box that can be opened, in which the content depends on the probability.
It returns 1 for success and -1 for failure. If -1 is returned, you will see the following message in the Unity Editor console in TentuPlay debug mode:
TPError||ERROR inserting table_name: exception_error_message
player_uuid |
Player’s unique lD (Not a character's ID). e.g. Steam User ID, Google Play User ID .. |
character_uuid |
Player’s character’s unique lD. |
item_slug |
Unique string identifier of the item. e.g."weapon_sword_dagger", "shield_kite_rare" |
item_quantity |
The number/amount of token used. |
where_to_entity |
To what actions did the character use the token.
where_to_category_slug |
The category of action the character use the token to. |
where_to_slug |
The name of action the character use the token to. |
public int UseConsumable(string player_uuid, string character_uuid, string item_slug, float item_quantity, [entity where_to_entity = entity.None], [string where_to_category_slug = null], [string where_to_slug = null]);
This method collects the data of the character using consumable item.
Category of the item
- Equipment: Weapons, armors, accessories, and other gears
- Consumable: Potion, bandage, and other consumable items
- Cosmetic: Costumes that do not affect the player/character's ability, etc.
- Token: Alternative currency with limited use such as 'token for pvp shop'. Token includes an entrance ticket.
- Material: Raw materials for gear upgrades, character ranking up, etc.
- Infrastructure: Items that indirectly affects the whole game. Fixed assets.
- Pet: Pet
- RandomBox: A random box that can be opened, in which the content depends on the probability.
It returns 1 for success and -1 for failure. If -1 is returned, you will see the following message in the Unity Editor console in TentuPlay debug mode:
TPError||ERROR inserting table_name: exception_error_message
player_uuid |
Player’s unique lD (Not a character's ID). e.g. Steam User ID, Google Play User ID .. |
character_uuid |
Player’s character’s unique lD. |
item_slug |
Unique string identifier of the item. e.g."weapon_sword_dagger", "shield_kite_rare" |
item_quantity |
The number/amount of consumable item used. |
where_to_entity |
To what actions did the character use the consumable item.
where_to_category_slug |
The category of action the character use the consumable item to. |
where_to_slug |
The name of action the character use the consumable item to. |
public int UseMaterial(string player_uuid, string character_uuid, string item_slug, float item_quantity, entity [where_to_entity = entity.None], [string where_to_category_slug = null], [string where_to_slug = null]);
This method collects the data of the character using material item.
Category of the item
- Equipment: Weapons, armors, accessories, and other gears
- Consumable: Potion, bandage, and other consumable items
- Cosmetic: Costumes that do not affect the player/character's ability, etc.
- Token: Alternative currency with limited use such as 'token for pvp shop'. Token includes an entrance ticket.
- Material: Raw materials for gear upgrades, character ranking up, etc.
- Infrastructure: Items that indirectly affects the whole game. Fixed assets.
- Pet: Pet
- RandomBox: A random box that can be opened, in which the content depends on the probability.
It returns 1 for success and -1 for failure. If -1 is returned, you will see the following message in the Unity Editor console in TentuPlay debug mode:
TPError||ERROR inserting table_name: exception_error_message
player_uuid |
Player’s unique lD (Not a character's ID). e.g. Steam User ID, Google Play User ID .. |
character_uuid |
Player’s character’s unique lD. |
item_slug |
Unique string identifier of the item. e.g."weapon_sword_dagger", "shield_kite_rare" |
item_quantity |
The number/amount of material item used. |
where_to_entity |
To what actions did the character use the material item.
where_to_category_slug |
The category of action the character use the material item to. |
where_to_slug |
The name of action the character use the material item to. |
public int EquipEquipment(string player_uuid, string character_uuid, string item_slug, equipStatus equip_status, [int? character_level = null], [int? item_level = null]);
Collects the event when a character equipped or unequipped an equipment.
Category of the item
- Equipment: Weapons, armors, accessories, and other gears
- Consumable: Potion, bandage, and other consumable items
- Cosmetic: Costumes that do not affect the player/character's ability, etc.
- Token: Alternative currency with limited use such as 'token for pvp shop'. Token includes an entrance ticket.
- Material: Raw materials for gear upgrades, character ranking up, etc.
- Infrastructure: Items that indirectly affects the whole game. Fixed assets.
- Pet: Pet
- RandomBox: A random box that can be opened, in which the content depends on the probability.
Returns 1 if the collection of event was successful, -1 if was not. If -1 was returned (unsuccessful), you can check error messages in the Unity console when TentuPlay is in debug mode: TPError||ERROR inserting table_name: exception_error_message
player_uuid |
Player’s unique lD (Not a character's ID). e.g. Steam User ID, Google Play User ID .. |
character_uuid |
Player’s character’s unique lD. |
item_slug |
Unique string identifier of the item. e.g."weapon_sword_dagger", "shield_kite_rare" |
equip_status |
Status code represents if the equipment is equipped or not.
item_level |
The level of the item which was equipped. |
character_level |
The level of the character when equips the equipment |
public int EquipCosmetic(string player_uuid, string character_uuid, string item_slug, equipStatus equip_status, [int? character_level = null], [int? item_level = null]);
Collects the event when a character equipped or unequipped a cosmetic.
Category of the item
- Equipment: Weapons, armors, accessories, and other gears
- Consumable: Potion, bandage, and other consumable items
- Cosmetic: Costumes that do not affect the player/character's ability, etc.
- Token: Alternative currency with limited use such as 'token for pvp shop'. Token includes an entrance ticket.
- Material: Raw materials for gear upgrades, character ranking up, etc.
- Infrastructure: Items that indirectly affects the whole game. Fixed assets.
- Pet: Pet
- RandomBox: A random box that can be opened, in which the content depends on the probability.
Returns 1 if the collection of event was successful, -1 if was not. If -1 was returned (unsuccessful), you can check error messages in the Unity console when TentuPlay is in debug mode: TPError||ERROR inserting table_name: exception_error_message
player_uuid |
Player’s unique lD (Not a character's ID). e.g. Steam User ID, Google Play User ID .. |
character_uuid |
Player’s character’s unique lD. |
item_slug |
Unique string identifier of the item. e.g."weapon_sword_dagger", "shield_kite_rare" |
equip_status |
Status code represents if the cosmetic is equipped or not.
item_level |
The level of the item which was equipped. |
character_level |
The level of the character when equips the cosmetic |
public int OpenRandomBox(string player_uuid, string character_uuid, string item_slug, float item_quantity, [entity where_to_entity = entity.None], [string where_to_category_slug = null], [string where_to_slug = null]);
This method collects the data of the character opening randombox.
Category of the item
- Equipment: Weapons, armors, accessories, and other gears
- Consumable: Potion, bandage, and other consumable items
- Cosmetic: Costumes that do not affect the player/character's ability, etc.
- Token: Alternative currency with limited use such as 'token for pvp shop'. Token includes an entrance ticket.
- Material: Raw materials for gear upgrades, character ranking up, etc.
- Infrastructure: Items that indirectly affects the whole game. Fixed assets.
- Pet: Pet
- RandomBox: A random box that can be opened, in which the content depends on the probability.
It returns 1 for success and -1 for failure. If -1 is returned, you will see the following message in the Unity Editor console in TentuPlay debug mode:
TPError||ERROR inserting table_name: exception_error_message
player_uuid |
Player’s unique lD (Not a character's ID). e.g. Steam User ID, Google Play User ID .. |
character_uuid |
Player’s character’s unique lD. |
item_slug |
Unique string identifier of the item. e.g."weapon_sword_dagger", "shield_kite_rare" |
item_quantity |
The number/amount of randombox opened. |
where_to_entity |
To what actions did the character open the randombox.
where_to_category_slug |
The category of action the character open the randombox to. |
where_to_slug |
The name of action the character open the randombox to. |
public int EquipSkill(string player_uuid, string character_uuid, string skill_slug, equipStatus equip_status, [string skill_category_slug = null], [int? skill_level = null], [int? character_level = null]);
It collects data of the character equipping/unequipping the skill.
It returns 1 for success and -1 for failure. If -1 is returned, you will see the following message in the Unity Editor Console in TentuPlay debug mode:
TPError||ERROR inserting table_name: exception_error_message
player_uuid |
Player’s unique lD (Not a character's ID). e.g. Steam User ID, Google Play User ID .. |
character_uuid |
Player’s character’s unique lD. |
skill_slug |
Unique identifier of the skill. |
skill_category_slug |
Category name of the skill. |
equip_status |
Status code represents if the skill is equipped or not.
skill_level |
Skill level |
character_level |
The level of the character (not player itself) equipping/unequipping the skill |
public int DismissCharacter(string player_uuid, string character_uuid, string characterarchetype_slug);
It collects data of the player’s destruction of a character. It is to be called when an event of a character destruction occurs during or at the beginning of the game and used in analysis of personas related to character acquisition and destruction.
Character acquisition means possession of a character. Character destruction refers to an event in which the player does not have the character any more as they have sold it away or consumed it as ingredient for something. Character destruction may not exist in certain games.
It returns 1 for success and -1 for failure. If -1 is returned, you will see the following message in the Unity Editor Console in TentuPlay debug mode:
TPError||ERROR inserting table_name: exception_error_message
player_uuid |
Player’s unique lD (Not a character's ID). e.g. Steam User ID, Google Play User ID .. |
character_uuid |
Player’s character’s unique lD. |
characterarchetype_slug |
Unique identifier of the character archetype. |
public int DismissInfrastructure(string player_uuid, string character_uuid, string item_slug, float item_quantity);
This method collects the data of the dismissal or deletion of an infrastructure.
Category of the item
- Equipment: Weapons, armors, accessories, and other gears
- Consumable: Potion, bandage, and other consumable items
- Cosmetic: Costumes that do not affect the player/character's ability, etc.
- Token: Alternative currency with limited use such as 'token for pvp shop'. Token includes an entrance ticket.
- Material: Raw materials for gear upgrades, character ranking up, etc.
- Infrastructure: Items that indirectly affects the whole game. Fixed assets.
- Pet: Pet
- RandomBox: A random box that can be opened, in which the content depends on the probability.
It returns 1 for success and -1 for failure. If -1 is returned, you will see the following message in the Unity Editor console in TentuPlay debug mode:
TPError||ERROR inserting table_name: exception_error_message
player_uuid |
Player’s unique lD (Not a character's ID). e.g. Steam User ID, Google Play User ID .. |
character_uuid |
Player’s character’s unique lD. |
item_slug |
Unique string identifier of the item. e.g."weapon_sword_dagger", "shield_kite_rare" |
item_quantity |
The number/amount of infrastructure dismissed. |
public int DismissPet(string player_uuid, string character_uuid, string item_slug, float item_quantity);
This method collects the data of the dismissal or deletion of a pet.
Category of the item
- Equipment: Weapons, armors, accessories, and other gears
- Consumable: Potion, bandage, and other consumable items
- Cosmetic: Costumes that do not affect the player/character's ability, etc.
- Token: Alternative currency with limited use such as 'token for pvp shop'. Token includes an entrance ticket.
- Material: Raw materials for gear upgrades, character ranking up, etc.
- Infrastructure: Items that indirectly affects the whole game. Fixed assets.
- Pet: Pet
- RandomBox: A random box that can be opened, in which the content depends on the probability.
It returns 1 for success and -1 for failure. If -1 is returned, you will see the following message in the Unity Editor console in TentuPlay debug mode:
TPError||ERROR inserting table_name: exception_error_message
player_uuid |
Player’s unique lD (Not a character's ID). e.g. Steam User ID, Google Play User ID .. |
character_uuid |
Player’s character’s unique lD. |
item_slug |
Unique string identifier of the item. e.g."weapon_sword_dagger", "shield_kite_rare" |
item_quantity |
The number/amount of pet dismissed. |
public int DismissToken(string player_uuid, string character_uuid, string item_slug, float item_quantity);
This method collects the data of the dismissal or deletion of a token.
Category of the item
- Equipment: Weapons, armors, accessories, and other gears
- Consumable: Potion, bandage, and other consumable items
- Cosmetic: Costumes that do not affect the player/character's ability, etc.
- Token: Alternative currency with limited use such as 'token for pvp shop'. Token includes an entrance ticket.
- Material: Raw materials for gear upgrades, character ranking up, etc.
- Infrastructure: Items that indirectly affects the whole game. Fixed assets.
- Pet: Pet
- RandomBox: A random box that can be opened, in which the content depends on the probability.
It returns 1 for success and -1 for failure. If -1 is returned, you will see the following message in the Unity Editor console in TentuPlay debug mode:
TPError||ERROR inserting table_name: exception_error_message
player_uuid |
Player’s unique lD (Not a character's ID). e.g. Steam User ID, Google Play User ID .. |
character_uuid |
Player’s character’s unique lD. |
item_slug |
Unique string identifier of the item. e.g."weapon_sword_dagger", "shield_kite_rare" |
item_quantity |
The number/amount of token dismissed. |
public int DismissConsumable(string player_uuid, string character_uuid, string item_slug, float item_quantity);
This method collects the data of the dismissal or deletion of a consumable item.
Category of the item
- Equipment: Weapons, armors, accessories, and other gears
- Consumable: Potion, bandage, and other consumable items
- Cosmetic: Costumes that do not affect the player/character's ability, etc.
- Token: Alternative currency with limited use such as 'token for pvp shop'. Token includes an entrance ticket.
- Material: Raw materials for gear upgrades, character ranking up, etc.
- Infrastructure: Items that indirectly affects the whole game. Fixed assets.
- Pet: Pet
- RandomBox: A random box that can be opened, in which the content depends on the probability.
It returns 1 for success and -1 for failure. If -1 is returned, you will see the following message in the Unity Editor console in TentuPlay debug mode:
TPError||ERROR inserting table_name: exception_error_message
player_uuid |
Player’s unique lD (Not a character's ID). e.g. Steam User ID, Google Play User ID .. |
character_uuid |
Player’s character’s unique lD. |
item_slug |
Unique string identifier of the item. e.g."weapon_sword_dagger", "shield_kite_rare" |
item_quantity |
The number/amount of consumable item dismissed. |
public int DismissMaterial(string player_uuid, string character_uuid, string item_slug, float item_quantity);
This method collects the data of the dismissal or deletion of a material item.
Category of the item
- Equipment: Weapons, armors, accessories, and other gears
- Consumable: Potion, bandage, and other consumable items
- Cosmetic: Costumes that do not affect the player/character's ability, etc.
- Token: Alternative currency with limited use such as 'token for pvp shop'. Token includes an entrance ticket.
- Material: Raw materials for gear upgrades, character ranking up, etc.
- Infrastructure: Items that indirectly affects the whole game. Fixed assets.
- Pet: Pet
- RandomBox: A random box that can be opened, in which the content depends on the probability.
It returns 1 for success and -1 for failure. If -1 is returned, you will see the following message in the Unity Editor console in TentuPlay debug mode:
TPError||ERROR inserting table_name: exception_error_message
player_uuid |
Player’s unique lD (Not a character's ID). e.g. Steam User ID, Google Play User ID .. |
character_uuid |
Player’s character’s unique lD. |
item_slug |
Unique string identifier of the item. e.g."weapon_sword_dagger", "shield_kite_rare" |
item_quantity |
The number/amount of material item dismissed. |
public int DismissEquipment(string player_uuid, string character_uuid, string item_slug, float item_quantity);
This method collects the data of the dismissal or deletion of a equipment.
Category of the item
- Equipment: Weapons, armors, accessories, and other gears
- Consumable: Potion, bandage, and other consumable items
- Cosmetic: Costumes that do not affect the player/character's ability, etc.
- Token: Alternative currency with limited use such as 'token for pvp shop'. Token includes an entrance ticket.
- Material: Raw materials for gear upgrades, character ranking up, etc.
- Infrastructure: Items that indirectly affects the whole game. Fixed assets.
- Pet: Pet
- RandomBox: A random box that can be opened, in which the content depends on the probability.
It returns 1 for success and -1 for failure. If -1 is returned, you will see the following message in the Unity Editor console in TentuPlay debug mode:
TPError||ERROR inserting table_name: exception_error_message
player_uuid |
Player’s unique lD (Not a character's ID). e.g. Steam User ID, Google Play User ID .. |
character_uuid |
Player’s character’s unique lD. |
item_slug |
Unique string identifier of the item. e.g."weapon_sword_dagger", "shield_kite_rare" |
item_quantity |
The number/amount of equipment item dismissed. |
public int DismissCosmetic(string player_uuid, string character_uuid, string item_slug, float item_quantity);
This method collects the data of the dismissal or deletion of a cosmetic item.
Category of the item
- Equipment: Weapons, armors, accessories, and other gears
- Consumable: Potion, bandage, and other consumable items
- Cosmetic: Costumes that do not affect the player/character's ability, etc.
- Token: Alternative currency with limited use such as 'token for pvp shop'. Token includes an entrance ticket.
- Material: Raw materials for gear upgrades, character ranking up, etc.
- Infrastructure: Items that indirectly affects the whole game. Fixed assets.
- Pet: Pet
- RandomBox: A random box that can be opened, in which the content depends on the probability.
It returns 1 for success and -1 for failure. If -1 is returned, you will see the following message in the Unity Editor console in TentuPlay debug mode:
TPError||ERROR inserting table_name: exception_error_message
player_uuid |
Player’s unique lD (Not a character's ID). e.g. Steam User ID, Google Play User ID .. |
character_uuid |
Player’s character’s unique lD. |
item_slug |
Unique string identifier of the item. e.g."weapon_sword_dagger", "shield_kite_rare" |
item_quantity |
The number/amount of cosmetic item dismissed. |
public int DismissRandomBox(string player_uuid, string character_uuid, string item_slug, float item_quantity);
This method collects the data of the dismissal or deletion of a randombox item.
Category of the item
- Equipment: Weapons, armors, accessories, and other gears
- Consumable: Potion, bandage, and other consumable items
- Cosmetic: Costumes that do not affect the player/character's ability, etc.
- Token: Alternative currency with limited use such as 'token for pvp shop'. Token includes an entrance ticket.
- Material: Raw materials for gear upgrades, character ranking up, etc.
- Infrastructure: Items that indirectly affects the whole game. Fixed assets.
- Pet: Pet
- RandomBox: A random box that can be opened, in which the content depends on the probability.
It returns 1 for success and -1 for failure. If -1 is returned, you will see the following message in the Unity Editor console in TentuPlay debug mode:
TPError||ERROR inserting table_name: exception_error_message
player_uuid |
Player’s unique lD (Not a character's ID). e.g. Steam User ID, Google Play User ID .. |
character_uuid |
Player’s character’s unique lD. |
item_slug |
Unique string identifier of the item. e.g."weapon_sword_dagger", "shield_kite_rare" |
item_quantity |
The number/amount of randombox item dismissed. |
public int LevelUpCharacter(string player_uuid, string character_uuid, int level_to, [int? level_from = null]);
It collects data of the character’s level up. It is to be called when an event of the character's level up occurs in the middle of the game and is used in analysis of personas related to character growth.
It returns 1 for success and -1 for failure. If -1 is returned, you will see the following message in the Unity Editor Console in TentuPlay debug mode:
TPError||ERROR inserting table_name: exception_error_message
player_uuid |
Player’s unique lD (Not a character's ID). e.g. Steam User ID, Google Play User ID .. |
character_uuid |
Player’s character’s unique lD. |
level_to |
Character's level after leveling up. |
level_from |
Character's level before leveling up. |
public int LevelUpInfrastructure(string player_uuid, string character_uuid, string item_slug, int item_level_to, [int? item_level_from=null]);
It collects data of the event in which the character levels up an infrastructure item.
Category of the item
- Equipment: Weapons, armors, accessories, and other gears
- Consumable: Potion, bandage, and other consumable items
- Cosmetic: Costumes that do not affect the player/character's ability, etc.
- Token: Alternative currency with limited use such as 'token for pvp shop'. Token includes an entrance ticket.
- Material: Raw materials for gear upgrades, character ranking up, etc.
- Infrastructure: Items that indirectly affects the whole game. Fixed assets.
- Pet: Pet
- RandomBox: A random box that can be opened, in which the content depends on the probability.
It returns 1 for success and -1 for failure. If -1 is returned, you will see the following message in the Unity Editor Console in TentuPlay debug mode:
TPError||ERROR inserting table_name: exception_error_message
player_uuid |
Player’s unique lD (Not a character's ID). e.g. Steam User ID, Google Play User ID .. |
character_uuid |
Player’s character’s unique lD. |
item_slug |
Unique string identifier of the item. e.g."weapon_sword_dagger", "shield_kite_rare" |
item_level_to |
Character's item's level after leveling up. |
item_level_from |
Character's item's level before leveling up. |
public int LevelUpPet(string player_uuid, string character_uuid, string item_slug, int item_level_to, [int? item_level_from=null]);
It collects data of the event in which the character levels up a pet.
Category of the item
- Equipment: Weapons, armors, accessories, and other gears
- Consumable: Potion, bandage, and other consumable items
- Cosmetic: Costumes that do not affect the player/character's ability, etc.
- Token: Alternative currency with limited use such as 'token for pvp shop'. Token includes an entrance ticket.
- Material: Raw materials for gear upgrades, character ranking up, etc.
- Infrastructure: Items that indirectly affects the whole game. Fixed assets.
- Pet: Pet
- RandomBox: A random box that can be opened, in which the content depends on the probability.
It returns 1 for success and -1 for failure. If -1 is returned, you will see the following message in the Unity Editor Console in TentuPlay debug mode:
TPError||ERROR inserting table_name: exception_error_message
player_uuid |
Player’s unique lD (Not a character's ID). e.g. Steam User ID, Google Play User ID .. |
character_uuid |
Player’s character’s unique lD. |
item_slug |
Unique string identifier of the item. e.g."weapon_sword_dagger", "shield_kite_rare" |
item_level_to |
Character's item's level after leveling up. |
item_level_from |
Character's item's level before leveling up. |
public int LevelUpConsumable(string player_uuid, string character_uuid, string item_slug, int item_level_to, [int? item_level_from=null]);
It collects data of the event in which the character levels up an consumable item.
Category of the item
- Equipment: Weapons, armors, accessories, and other gears
- Consumable: Potion, bandage, and other consumable items
- Cosmetic: Costumes that do not affect the player/character's ability, etc.
- Token: Alternative currency with limited use such as 'token for pvp shop'. Token includes an entrance ticket.
- Material: Raw materials for gear upgrades, character ranking up, etc.
- Infrastructure: Items that indirectly affects the whole game. Fixed assets.
- Pet: Pet
- RandomBox: A random box that can be opened, in which the content depends on the probability.
It returns 1 for success and -1 for failure. If -1 is returned, you will see the following message in the Unity Editor Console in TentuPlay debug mode:
TPError||ERROR inserting table_name: exception_error_message
player_uuid |
Player’s unique lD (Not a character's ID). e.g. Steam User ID, Google Play User ID .. |
character_uuid |
Player’s character’s unique lD. |
item_slug |
Unique string identifier of the item. e.g."weapon_sword_dagger", "shield_kite_rare" |
item_level_to |
Character's item's level after leveling up. |
item_level_from |
Character's item's level before leveling up. |
public int LevelUpMaterial(string player_uuid, string character_uuid, string item_slug, int item_level_to, [int? item_level_from=null]);
It collects data of the event in which the character levels up an material item.
Category of the item
- Equipment: Weapons, armors, accessories, and other gears
- Consumable: Potion, bandage, and other consumable items
- Cosmetic: Costumes that do not affect the player/character's ability, etc.
- Token: Alternative currency with limited use such as 'token for pvp shop'. Token includes an entrance ticket.
- Material: Raw materials for gear upgrades, character ranking up, etc.
- Infrastructure: Items that indirectly affects the whole game. Fixed assets.
- Pet: Pet
- RandomBox: A random box that can be opened, in which the content depends on the probability.
It returns 1 for success and -1 for failure. If -1 is returned, you will see the following message in the Unity Editor Console in TentuPlay debug mode:
TPError||ERROR inserting table_name: exception_error_message
player_uuid |
Player’s unique lD (Not a character's ID). e.g. Steam User ID, Google Play User ID .. |
character_uuid |
Player’s character’s unique lD. |
item_slug |
Unique string identifier of the item. e.g."weapon_sword_dagger", "shield_kite_rare" |
item_level_to |
Character's item's level after leveling up. |
item_level_from |
Character's item's level before leveling up. |
public int LevelUpEquipment(string player_uuid, string character_uuid, string item_slug, int item_level_to, [int? item_level_from=null]);
It collects data of the event in which the character levels up an equipment.
Category of the item
- Equipment: Weapons, armors, accessories, and other gears
- Consumable: Potion, bandage, and other consumable items
- Cosmetic: Costumes that do not affect the player/character's ability, etc.
- Token: Alternative currency with limited use such as 'token for pvp shop'. Token includes an entrance ticket.
- Material: Raw materials for gear upgrades, character ranking up, etc.
- Infrastructure: Items that indirectly affects the whole game. Fixed assets.
- Pet: Pet
- RandomBox: A random box that can be opened, in which the content depends on the probability.
It returns 1 for success and -1 for failure. If -1 is returned, you will see the following message in the Unity Editor Console in TentuPlay debug mode:
TPError||ERROR inserting table_name: exception_error_message
player_uuid |
Player’s unique lD (Not a character's ID). e.g. Steam User ID, Google Play User ID .. |
character_uuid |
Player’s character’s unique lD. |
item_slug |
Unique string identifier of the item. e.g."weapon_sword_dagger", "shield_kite_rare" |
item_level_to |
Character's item's level after leveling up. |
item_level_from |
Character's item's level before leveling up. |
public int LevelUpCosmetic(string player_uuid, string character_uuid, string item_slug, int item_level_to, [int? item_level_from=null]);
It collects data of the event in which the character levels up an cosmetic item.
Category of the item
- Equipment: Weapons, armors, accessories, and other gears
- Consumable: Potion, bandage, and other consumable items
- Cosmetic: Costumes that do not affect the player/character's ability, etc.
- Token: Alternative currency with limited use such as 'token for pvp shop'. Token includes an entrance ticket.
- Material: Raw materials for gear upgrades, character ranking up, etc.
- Infrastructure: Items that indirectly affects the whole game. Fixed assets.
- Pet: Pet
- RandomBox: A random box that can be opened, in which the content depends on the probability.
It returns 1 for success and -1 for failure. If -1 is returned, you will see the following message in the Unity Editor Console in TentuPlay debug mode:
TPError||ERROR inserting table_name: exception_error_message
player_uuid |
Player’s unique lD (Not a character's ID). e.g. Steam User ID, Google Play User ID .. |
character_uuid |
Player’s character’s unique lD. |
item_slug |
Unique string identifier of the item. e.g."weapon_sword_dagger", "shield_kite_rare" |
item_level_to |
Character's item's level after leveling up. |
item_level_from |
Character's item's level before leveling up. |
public int LevelUpSkill(string player_uuid, string character_uuid, string skill_slug, int level_to, [string skill_category_slug=null], [int? level_from=null]);
It collects data of level up of a character’s skill.
It returns 1 for success and -1 for failure. If -1 is returned, you will see the following message in the Unity Editor Console in TentuPlay debug mode: TPError||ERROR inserting table_name: exception_error_message
player_uuid |
Player’s unique lD (Not a character's ID). e.g. Steam User ID, Google Play User ID .. |
character_uuid |
Player’s character’s unique lD. |
skill_slug |
Unique identifier of the skill. |
skill_category_slug |
Category name of the skill. |
skill_level_to |
Character's skill's level after leveling up. |
skill_level_from |
Character's skill's level before leveling up. |
public int DepositCurrency(string player_uuid, string character_uuid, string currency_slug, float currency_quantity, [storageType storage_type = storageType.Unknown], [string storage_slug = null], [string storage_category_slug = null]);
When a player deposits currencies to its storage.
Returns 1 if the collection of event was successful, -1 if was not. If -1 was returned (unsuccessful), you can check error messages in the Unity console when TentuPlay is in debug mode.
TPError||ERROR inserting table_name: exception_error_message
player_uuid |
Player’s unique lD (Not a character's ID). e.g. Steam User ID, Google Play User ID .. |
character_uuid |
Player’s character’s unique lD. |
currency_slug |
Unique identifier of currency. Ex) 'gold,' 'diamond,' 'crystal,' etc. |
currency_quantity |
The number/amount of currency deposited. |
storage_type |
Type of the player's storage personal_storage guild_stroage
storage_slug |
Unique identifier of player's personal storage |
storage_category_slug |
unique identifier of category of the player's personal storage |
public int DepositInfrastructure(string player_uuid, string character_uuid, string item_slug, float item_quantity, [storageType storage_type = storageType.Unknown], [string storage_slug = null], [string storage_category_slug = null]);
When a player deposits a infrastructure item to its storage.
Category of the item
- Equipment: Weapons, armors, accessories, and other gears
- Consumable: Potion, bandage, and other consumable items
- Cosmetic: Costumes that do not affect the player/character's ability, etc.
- Token: Alternative currency with limited use such as 'token for pvp shop'. Token includes an entrance ticket.
- Material: Raw materials for gear upgrades, character ranking up, etc.
- Infrastructure: Items that indirectly affects the whole game. Fixed assets.
- Pet: Pet
- RandomBox: A random box that can be opened, in which the content depends on the probability.
Returns 1 if the collection of event was successful, -1 if was not. If -1 was returned (unsuccessful), you can check error messages in the Unity console when TentuPlay is in debug mode.
TPError||ERROR inserting table_name: exception_error_message
player_uuid |
Player’s unique lD (Not a character's ID). e.g. Steam User ID, Google Play User ID .. |
character_uuid |
Player’s character’s unique lD. |
item_slug |
Unique string identifier of the item. e.g."weapon_sword_dagger", "shield_kite_rare" |
item_quantity |
The number/amount of Infrastructure deposited. |
storage_type |
Type of the player's storage personal_storage guild_stroage
storage_slug |
Unique identifier of player's personal storage |
storage_category_slug |
unique identifier of category of the player's personal storage |
public int DepositPet(string player_uuid, string character_uuid, string item_slug, float item_quantity, [storageType storage_type = storageType.Unknown], [string storage_slug = null], [string storage_category_slug = null]);
When a player deposits a pet to its storage.
Category of the item
- Equipment: Weapons, armors, accessories, and other gears
- Consumable: Potion, bandage, and other consumable items
- Cosmetic: Costumes that do not affect the player/character's ability, etc.
- Token: Alternative currency with limited use such as 'token for pvp shop'. Token includes an entrance ticket.
- Material: Raw materials for gear upgrades, character ranking up, etc.
- Infrastructure: Items that indirectly affects the whole game. Fixed assets.
- Pet: Pet
- RandomBox: A random box that can be opened, in which the content depends on the probability.
Returns 1 if the collection of event was successful, -1 if was not. If -1 was returned (unsuccessful), you can check error messages in the Unity console when TentuPlay is in debug mode.
TPError||ERROR inserting table_name: exception_error_message
player_uuid |
Player’s unique lD (Not a character's ID). e.g. Steam User ID, Google Play User ID .. |
character_uuid |
Player’s character’s unique lD. |
item_slug |
Unique string identifier of the item. e.g."weapon_sword_dagger", "shield_kite_rare" |
item_quantity |
The number/amount of pet deposited. |
storage_type |
Type of the player's storage personal_storage guild_stroage
storage_slug |
Unique identifier of player's personal storage |
storage_category_slug |
unique identifier of category of the player's personal storage |
public int DepositToken(string player_uuid, string character_uuid, string item_slug, float item_quantity, [storageType storage_type = storageType.Unknown], [string storage_slug = null], [string storage_category_slug = null]);
When a player deposits a token to its storage.
Category of the item
- Equipment: Weapons, armors, accessories, and other gears
- Consumable: Potion, bandage, and other consumable items
- Cosmetic: Costumes that do not affect the player/character's ability, etc.
- Token: Alternative currency with limited use such as 'token for pvp shop'. Token includes an entrance ticket.
- Material: Raw materials for gear upgrades, character ranking up, etc.
- Infrastructure: Items that indirectly affects the whole game. Fixed assets.
- Pet: Pet
- RandomBox: A random box that can be opened, in which the content depends on the probability.
Returns 1 if the collection of event was successful, -1 if was not. If -1 was returned (unsuccessful), you can check error messages in the Unity console when TentuPlay is in debug mode.
TPError||ERROR inserting table_name: exception_error_message
player_uuid |
Player’s unique lD (Not a character's ID). e.g. Steam User ID, Google Play User ID .. |
character_uuid |
Player’s character’s unique lD. |
item_slug |
Unique string identifier of the item. e.g."weapon_sword_dagger", "shield_kite_rare" |
item_quantity |
The number/amount of token deposited. |
storage_type |
Type of the player's storage personal_storage guild_stroage
storage_slug |
Unique identifier of player's personal storage |
storage_category_slug |
unique identifier of category of the player's personal storage |
public int DepositConsumable(string player_uuid, string character_uuid, string item_slug, float item_quantity, [storageType storage_type = storageType.Unknown], [string storage_slug = null], [string storage_category_slug = null]);
When a player deposits a consumable item to its storage.
Category of the item
- Equipment: Weapons, armors, accessories, and other gears
- Consumable: Potion, bandage, and other consumable items
- Cosmetic: Costumes that do not affect the player/character's ability, etc.
- Token: Alternative currency with limited use such as 'token for pvp shop'. Token includes an entrance ticket.
- Material: Raw materials for gear upgrades, character ranking up, etc.
- Infrastructure: Items that indirectly affects the whole game. Fixed assets.
- Pet: Pet
- RandomBox: A random box that can be opened, in which the content depends on the probability.
Returns 1 if the collection of event was successful, -1 if was not. If -1 was returned (unsuccessful), you can check error messages in the Unity console when TentuPlay is in debug mode.
TPError||ERROR inserting table_name: exception_error_message
player_uuid |
Player’s unique lD (Not a character's ID). e.g. Steam User ID, Google Play User ID .. |
character_uuid |
Player’s character’s unique lD. |
item_slug |
Unique string identifier of the item. e.g."weapon_sword_dagger", "shield_kite_rare" |
item_quantity |
The number/amount of consumable item deposited. |
storage_type |
Type of the player's storage personal_storage guild_stroage
storage_slug |
Unique identifier of player's personal storage |
storage_category_slug |
unique identifier of category of the player's personal storage |
public int DepositMaterial(string player_uuid, string character_uuid, string item_slug, float item_quantity, [storageType storage_type = storageType.Unknown], [string storage_slug = null], [string storage_category_slug = null]);
When a player deposits a material item to its storage.
Category of the item
- Equipment: Weapons, armors, accessories, and other gears
- Consumable: Potion, bandage, and other consumable items
- Cosmetic: Costumes that do not affect the player/character's ability, etc.
- Token: Alternative currency with limited use such as 'token for pvp shop'. Token includes an entrance ticket.
- Material: Raw materials for gear upgrades, character ranking up, etc.
- Infrastructure: Items that indirectly affects the whole game. Fixed assets.
- Pet: Pet
- RandomBox: A random box that can be opened, in which the content depends on the probability.
Returns 1 if the collection of event was successful, -1 if was not. If -1 was returned (unsuccessful), you can check error messages in the Unity console when TentuPlay is in debug mode.
TPError||ERROR inserting table_name: exception_error_message
player_uuid |
Player’s unique lD (Not a character's ID). e.g. Steam User ID, Google Play User ID .. |
character_uuid |
Player’s character’s unique lD. |
item_slug |
Unique string identifier of the item. e.g."weapon_sword_dagger", "shield_kite_rare" |
item_quantity |
The number/amount of material item deposited |
storage_type |
Type of the player's storage personal_storage guild_stroage
storage_slug |
Unique identifier of player's personal storage |
storage_category_slug |
unique identifier of category of the player's personal storage |
public int DepositEquipment(string player_uuid, string character_uuid, string item_slug, float item_quantity, [storageType storage_type = storageType.Unknown], [string storage_slug = null], [string storage_category_slug = null]);
When a player deposits a equipment to its storage.
Category of the item
- Equipment: Weapons, armors, accessories, and other gears
- Consumable: Potion, bandage, and other consumable items
- Cosmetic: Costumes that do not affect the player/character's ability, etc.
- Token: Alternative currency with limited use such as 'token for pvp shop'. Token includes an entrance ticket.
- Material: Raw materials for gear upgrades, character ranking up, etc.
- Infrastructure: Items that indirectly affects the whole game. Fixed assets.
- Pet: Pet
- RandomBox: A random box that can be opened, in which the content depends on the probability.
Returns 1 if the collection of event was successful, -1 if was not. If -1 was returned (unsuccessful), you can check error messages in the Unity console when TentuPlay is in debug mode.
TPError||ERROR inserting table_name: exception_error_message
player_uuid |
Player’s unique lD (Not a character's ID). e.g. Steam User ID, Google Play User ID .. |
character_uuid |
Player’s character’s unique lD. |
item_slug |
Unique string identifier of the item. e.g."weapon_sword_dagger", "shield_kite_rare" |
item_quantity |
The number/amount of equipment item deposited. |
storage_type |
Type of the player's storage personal_storage guild_stroage
storage_slug |
Unique identifier of player's personal storage |
storage_category_slug |
unique identifier of category of the player's personal storage |
public int DepositCosmetic(string player_uuid, string character_uuid, string item_slug, float item_quantity, [storageType storage_type = storageType.Unknown], [string storage_slug = null], [string storage_category_slug = null]);
When a player deposits a cosmetic item to its storage.
Category of the item
- Equipment: Weapons, armors, accessories, and other gears
- Consumable: Potion, bandage, and other consumable items
- Cosmetic: Costumes that do not affect the player/character's ability, etc.
- Token: Alternative currency with limited use such as 'token for pvp shop'. Token includes an entrance ticket.
- Material: Raw materials for gear upgrades, character ranking up, etc.
- Infrastructure: Items that indirectly affects the whole game. Fixed assets.
- Pet: Pet
- RandomBox: A random box that can be opened, in which the content depends on the probability.
Returns 1 if the collection of event was successful, -1 if was not. If -1 was returned (unsuccessful), you can check error messages in the Unity console when TentuPlay is in debug mode.
TPError||ERROR inserting table_name: exception_error_message
player_uuid |
Player’s unique lD (Not a character's ID). e.g. Steam User ID, Google Play User ID .. |
character_uuid |
Player’s character’s unique lD. |
item_slug |
Unique string identifier of the item. e.g."weapon_sword_dagger", "shield_kite_rare" |
item_quantity |
The number/amount of cosmetic item deposited. |
storage_type |
Type of the player's storage personal_storage guild_stroage
storage_slug |
Unique identifier of player's personal storage |
storage_category_slug |
unique identifier of category of the player's personal storage |
public int DepositRandomBox(string player_uuid, string character_uuid, string item_slug, float item_quantity, [storageType storage_type = storageType.Unknown], [string storage_slug = null], [string storage_category_slug = null]);
When a player deposits a randombox item to its storage.
Category of the item
- Equipment: Weapons, armors, accessories, and other gears
- Consumable: Potion, bandage, and other consumable items
- Cosmetic: Costumes that do not affect the player/character's ability, etc.
- Token: Alternative currency with limited use such as 'token for pvp shop'. Token includes an entrance ticket.
- Material: Raw materials for gear upgrades, character ranking up, etc.
- Infrastructure: Items that indirectly affects the whole game. Fixed assets.
- Pet: Pet
- RandomBox: A random box that can be opened, in which the content depends on the probability.
Returns 1 if the collection of event was successful, -1 if was not. If -1 was returned (unsuccessful), you can check error messages in the Unity console when TentuPlay is in debug mode.
TPError||ERROR inserting table_name: exception_error_message
player_uuid |
Player’s unique lD (Not a character's ID). e.g. Steam User ID, Google Play User ID .. |
character_uuid |
Player’s character’s unique lD. |
item_slug |
Unique string identifier of the item. e.g."weapon_sword_dagger", "shield_kite_rare" |
item_quantity |
The number/amount of randombox item deposited |
storage_type |
Type of the player's storage personal_storage guild_stroage
storage_slug |
Unique identifier of player's personal storage |
storage_category_slug |
unique identifier of category of the player's personal storage |
public int WithdrawCurrency(string player_uuid, string character_uuid, string currency_slug, float currency_quantity, [storageType storage_type = storageType.Unknown], [string storage_slug = null], [string storage_category_slug = null]);
When a player withdraws currencies from its storage.
Returns 1 if the collection of event was successful, -1 if was not. If -1 was returned (unsuccessful), you can check error messages in the Unity console when TentuPlay is in debug mode.
TPError||ERROR inserting table_name: exception_error_message
player_uuid |
Player’s unique lD (Not a character's ID). e.g. Steam User ID, Google Play User ID .. |
character_uuid |
Player’s character’s unique lD. |
currency_slug |
Unique identifier of currency. Ex) 'gold,' 'diamond,' 'crystal,' etc. |
currency_quantity |
The number/amount of currency withdrew. |
storage_type |
Type of the player's storage personal_storage guild_stroage
storage_slug |
Unique identifier of player's personal storage |
storage_category_slug |
unique identifier of category of the player's personal storage |
public int WithdrawInfrastructure(string player_uuid, string character_uuid, string item_slug, float item_quantity, [storageType storage_type = storageType.Unknown], [string storage_slug = null], [string storage_category_slug = null]);
When a player withdraws a infrastructure item from its storage.
Returns 1 if the collection of event was successful, -1 if was not. If -1 was returned (unsuccessful), you can check error messages in the Unity console when TentuPlay is in debug mode.
TPError||ERROR inserting table_name: exception_error_message
player_uuid |
Player’s unique lD (Not a character's ID). e.g. Steam User ID, Google Play User ID .. |
character_uuid |
Player’s character’s unique lD. |
item_slug |
Unique string identifier of the item. e.g."weapon_sword_dagger", "shield_kite_rare" |
item_quantity |
The number/amount of Infrastructure withdrew. |
storage_type |
Type of the player's storage personal_storage guild_stroage
storage_slug |
Unique identifier of player's personal storage |
storage_category_slug |
unique identifier of category of the player's personal storage |
public int WithdrawPet(string player_uuid, string character_uuid, string item_slug, float item_quantity, [storageType storage_type = storageType.Unknown], [string storage_slug = null], [string storage_category_slug = null]);
When a player withdraws a pet from its storage.
Returns 1 if the collection of event was successful, -1 if was not. If -1 was returned (unsuccessful), you can check error messages in the Unity console when TentuPlay is in debug mode.
TPError||ERROR inserting table_name: exception_error_message
player_uuid |
Player’s unique lD (Not a character's ID). e.g. Steam User ID, Google Play User ID .. |
character_uuid |
Player’s character’s unique lD. |
item_slug |
Unique string identifier of the item. e.g."weapon_sword_dagger", "shield_kite_rare" |
item_quantity |
The number/amount of pet withdrew. |
storage_type |
Type of the player's storage personal_storage guild_stroage
storage_slug |
Unique identifier of player's personal storage |
storage_category_slug |
unique identifier of category of the player's personal storage |
public int WithdrawToken(string player_uuid, string character_uuid, string item_slug, float item_quantity, [storageType storage_type = storageType.Unknown], [string storage_slug = null], [string storage_category_slug = null]);
When a player withdraws a token item from its storage.
Returns 1 if the collection of event was successful, -1 if was not. If -1 was returned (unsuccessful), you can check error messages in the Unity console when TentuPlay is in debug mode.
TPError||ERROR inserting table_name: exception_error_message
player_uuid |
Player’s unique lD (Not a character's ID). e.g. Steam User ID, Google Play User ID .. |
character_uuid |
Player’s character’s unique lD. |
item_slug |
Unique string identifier of the item. e.g."weapon_sword_dagger", "shield_kite_rare" |
item_quantity |
The number/amount of token withdrew. |
storage_type |
Type of the player's storage personal_storage guild_stroage
storage_slug |
Unique identifier of player's personal storage |
storage_category_slug |
unique identifier of category of the player's personal storage |
public int WithdrawConsumable(string player_uuid, string character_uuid, string item_slug, float item_quantity, [storageType storage_type = storageType.Unknown], [string storage_slug = null], [string storage_category_slug = null]);
When a player withdraws a consumable item from its storage.
Returns 1 if the collection of event was successful, -1 if was not. If -1 was returned (unsuccessful), you can check error messages in the Unity console when TentuPlay is in debug mode.
TPError||ERROR inserting table_name: exception_error_message
player_uuid |
Player’s unique lD (Not a character's ID). e.g. Steam User ID, Google Play User ID .. |
character_uuid |
Player’s character’s unique lD. |
item_slug |
Unique string identifier of the item. e.g."weapon_sword_dagger", "shield_kite_rare" |
item_quantity |
The number/amount of consumable item withdrew. |
stage_type |
Stage type
storage_slug |
Unique identifier of player's personal storage |
storage_category_slug |
unique identifier of category of the player's personal storage |
public int WithdrawMaterial(string player_uuid, string character_uuid, string item_slug, float item_quantity, [storageType storage_type = storageType.Unknown], [string storage_slug = null], [string storage_category_slug = null]);
When a player withdraws a material item from its storage.
Returns 1 if the collection of event was successful, -1 if was not. If -1 was returned (unsuccessful), you can check error messages in the Unity console when TentuPlay is in debug mode.
TPError||ERROR inserting table_name: exception_error_message
player_uuid |
Player’s unique lD (Not a character's ID). e.g. Steam User ID, Google Play User ID .. |
character_uuid |
Player’s character’s unique lD. |
item_slug |
Unique string identifier of the item. e.g."weapon_sword_dagger", "shield_kite_rare" |
item_quantity |
The number/amount of material item withdrew. |
storage_type |
Type of the player's storage personal_storage guild_stroage
storage_slug |
Unique identifier of player's personal storage |
storage_category_slug |
unique identifier of category of the player's personal storage |
public int WithdrawEquipment(string player_uuid, string character_uuid, string item_slug, float item_quantity, [storageType storage_type = storageType.Unknown], [string storage_slug = null], [string storage_category_slug = null]);
When a player withdraws an equipment item from its storage.
Returns 1 if the collection of event was successful, -1 if was not. If -1 was returned (unsuccessful), you can check error messages in the Unity console when TentuPlay is in debug mode.
TPError||ERROR inserting table_name: exception_error_message
player_uuid |
Player’s unique lD (Not a character's ID). e.g. Steam User ID, Google Play User ID .. |
character_uuid |
Player’s character’s unique lD. |
item_slug |
Unique string identifier of the item. e.g."weapon_sword_dagger", "shield_kite_rare" |
item_quantity |
The number/amount of equipment item withdrew. |
storage_type |
Type of the player's storage personal_storage guild_stroage
storage_slug |
Unique identifier of player's personal storage |
storage_category_slug |
unique identifier of category of the player's personal storage |
public int WithdrawCosmetic(string player_uuid, string character_uuid, string item_slug, float item_quantity, [storageType storage_type = storageType.Unknown], [string storage_slug = null], [string storage_category_slug = null]);
When a player withdraws a cosmetic item from its storage.
Returns 1 if the collection of event was successful, -1 if was not. If -1 was returned (unsuccessful), you can check error messages in the Unity console when TentuPlay is in debug mode.
TPError||ERROR inserting table_name: exception_error_message
player_uuid |
Player’s unique lD (Not a character's ID). e.g. Steam User ID, Google Play User ID .. |
character_uuid |
Player’s character’s unique lD. |
item_slug |
Unique string identifier of the item. e.g."weapon_sword_dagger", "shield_kite_rare" |
item_quantity |
The number/amount of cosmetic item withdrew. |
storage_type |
Type of the player's storage personal_storage guild_stroage
storage_slug |
Unique identifier of player's personal storage |
storage_category_slug |
unique identifier of category of the player's personal storage |
public int WithdrawRandomBox(string player_uuid, string character_uuid, string item_slug, float item_quantity, [storageType storage_type = storageType.Unknown], [string storage_slug = null], [string storage_category_slug = null]);
When a player withdraws a random / loot box like item from its storage.
Returns 1 if the collection of event was successful, -1 if was not. If -1 was returned (unsuccessful), you can check error messages in the Unity console when TentuPlay is in debug mode.
TPError||ERROR inserting table_name: exception_error_message
player_uuid |
Player’s unique lD (Not a character's ID). e.g. Steam User ID, Google Play User ID .. |
character_uuid |
Player’s character’s unique lD. |
item_slug |
Unique string identifier of the item. e.g."weapon_sword_dagger", "shield_kite_rare" |
item_quantity |
The number/amount of randombox item withdrew. |
storage_type |
Type of the player's storage personal_storage guild_stroage
storage_slug |
Unique identifier of player's personal storage |
storage_category_slug |
unique identifier of category of the player's personal storage |
public int StashAdviceEvent(string player_uuid, int advice_id, adviceStatus advice_status, [string advice_detail=null]);
Events related with showing, closing an advice (in-game mail and pop-ups) and associated button actions. Returns 1 if the collection of event was successful, -1 if was not. If -1 was returned (unsuccessful), you can check error messages in the Unity console when TentuPlay is in debug mode.
TPError||ERROR inserting table_name: exception_error_message
player_uuid |
Player’s unique lD (Not a character's ID). e.g. Steam User ID, Google Play User ID .. |
advice_id |
Unique ID assigned to the advice. |
advice_status |
Advice status such as showing, closing an advice and button actions.
advice_detail |
Unique ID of in-game contents which connected to the advertisement. e.g. advertised in-game item, DLC product, in-game gift card |
public int StashOfferEvent(string player_uuid, int offer_id, messageStatus message_status, [string message_detail = null]]);
Events related with showing, closing an offer (in-game mail and pop-ups) and associated button actions. Returns 1 if the collection of event was successful, -1 if was not. If -1 was returned (unsuccessful), you can check error messages in the Unity console when TentuPlay is in debug mode.
TPError||ERROR inserting table_name: exception_error_message
player_uuid |
Player’s unique lD (Not a character's ID). e.g. Steam User ID, Google Play User ID .. |
offer_id |
Unique ID assigned to the offer. |
message_status |
Offer status such as showing, closing an advice and button actions.
message_detail |
Unique ID of in-game contents which connected to the advertisement. e.g. advertised in-game item, DLC product, in-game gift card |
public int Record(string method_name, params KeyValuePair<string, object>[] param_pairs);
This is a method to directly enter the method name and parameters of TPStashEvent.
Returns 1 if the collection of event was successful, -1 if was not. If -1 was returned (unsuccessful), you can check error messages in the Unity console when TentuPlay is in debug mode. TPError||ERROR inserting table_name: exception_error_message
TPStashEvent myStashEvent = new TPStashEvent();
KeyValuePair<string, object>[] parameters = new KeyValuePair<string, object>[]
new KeyValuePair<string, object>("player_uuid", "myPlayerID"),
myStashEvent.Record("Join", parameters);
Parameter Storage
When calling LoginAsCharacter with Record method, the parameter storage stores player_uuid
and character_uuid
value in the storage, and in the methods except Join, LoginApp and LoginAsCharacter, the parameters player_uuid
and character_uuid
become optional.
- Since this parameter store exists in memory, it is not recommended unless it is unavoidable.
- If there are no
values, data is not collected at all and missing data is created. It requires considerable attention. - In the [Join](, LoginApp, LoginAsCharacter method, parameters
is required. player_uuid
stored in the parameter storage are also applied to the PlayStage, but since PlayStage takes character_uuids not character_uuid as a parameter, if your game enters stage with multiple characters, you should be careful with the use of character_uuid in the parameter storage.- Therefore, Parameter Storage function should be used only when there is a guarantee that LoginAsCharacter is called and LoginAsCharacter is called first before other methods (except for the Join and LoginApp .)
Change of value in storage
- If you want to change
in the parameter storage, call LoginAsCharacter with Record and with newplayer_uuid
. - player_uuid
character_uuid` can not be assigned seperately. - If you specify the values of the method parameters
while there is a value in the parameter storage, the specified value is entered as the parameter value, but the parameter storage is not overwritten.
method_name |
The method name in the TPStashEvent. Case-insensitive. |
param_pairs |
If there are no required parameters, the Record method returns an error (-1). Key Value